7: Family

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Landon POV

I was surprised when Marley openly admitted to being part of a shady and known to be violent family. It definitely answered some questions about her personality, but I was shocked nonetheless. I was so shocked that I actually was able to calm down about Grandpa, so that was a weird plus.

Grams had called me out of nowhere to tell me that Grandpa was there at the hospital because he was found collapsed. Grams failed to mention that it was Marley who found him, though. I seriously keep seeing this girl everywhere when I'm not looking for her. But she completely disappears when I actually am looking for her. So not only was I surprised to see how calm Grams was when I got to the hospital, I was surprised to find Marley there too. It has just been an evening of surprises. I really didn't think Grandpa was going to ask her about her family so soon after meeting her, especially when she basically saved his life. Maybe that's why he thought he could ask.

"Hmm. If you say so. All that I've heard about your family has been from rumors, so I can't say I trusted them, but there were some gruesome rumors among them and I don't know why someone would make something so extreme up," Grandpa said.

I could see the look on Marley's face change, just slightly. I doubt anyone would have normally caught the split second where her eyes gleamed with furry and excitement at the mention of a gruesome rumor. I'd have to make sure to always stay on Marley's and her family's good sides.

"Terrible people have terrible minds. And terrible minds can come up with some pretty scary things. So yes, terrible, gruesome rumors can be completely made up, but since I don't know which one specifically you are referring to, I can't confirm nor deny it. Plus, I don't take part in my family's business, so not even I know all the things that go on," Marley said.

There was a certain characteristic and tone to everything she had just said that sent a chill down my spine. I could tell Grams was uncomfortable with the conversation. Grandpa looked like he really didn't want to know whether or not the rumor he heard was fake on the off chance that it wasn't. There was a ring of personal truth and experience when Marley was speaking that made us all think in silence.

"Then I guess there's nothing to worry about, then," Grandpa smiled. "I like her, Landon. Bring her over sometime."

"Only after you have been discharged from the hospital, of course," Grams laughed.

"By all means, please have me over sometime, Landon," Marley smiled at me. She had very straight teeth. "Braces. For two years."

"What?" Grams asked.

"I could tell what Landon was just thinking. I have exceptionally straight teeth now, all because of braces. It would have been awesome if my teeth were just naturally straight. So, tell me about your family," Marley said, directed more at me than my grandparents.

"They weren't around much so I lived with my grandparents up until I moved into the dorms," I said swiftly.

"That's too bad, but at least you had someone to take care of you still. If my parents weren't around, I'd be fucked. My grandparents passed away before I was born, so there would have been no one."


I didn't feel like talking more on the subject. It's not that I hated my parents, I just didn't respect them at all and they were strangers to me. They had been reaching out a little over the last few months, so things were heading in a good direction, but there was no way I was going to let them act like my parents after they abandoned that duty a long time ago.

"Okay, then. I'm glad you're alright now Gramps. I'm gonna go now. I'll see you around, Landon. Don't forget to invite me over when your grandpa is all better," Marley said with a small smile and wave before walking out of the room.

She really was strange to me and I couldn't quite figure her out. I did not see her as the kind of person who warms up to others so quickly, so I found it odd that she sincerely wanted to visit me and my grandparents when Grandpa was well again. And there was just something off about her when we met in the hospital last week and today when she was talking about her family. She seemed so calm talking about those terrible rumors; like it didn't even bother her. The way she treated her gunshot wound was bizarre, too. If I had been shot, I'd probably wear a sling so people would be more careful around me and I wouldn't do something stupid by accident with my hurt arm. But she just pranced around like nothing had ever happened. I saw that she at least put bandages around it still, but still hardly cared that she was hurt.

It got me wondering if I'd ever figure her out. And if I did, would it only be a part of herself that she was allowing me to see?

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