Episode 13 - Secrets Revealed?!

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(SO! EX! CIT! ED!)


7 more days until Audrey leaves

El's POV

The clock struck midnight fast. Niall and I were dressed in all back, sneaking past the freaks sleepover every 2 seconds.

"So what are we going to do about Eleanor? She is right on our tail..." I hear Scumbag whisper.

"We will just have to erase her memory." I hear Katie say.

My face pales straight away. I bet you all my money that my face is as pale as a sick monkey butt! Ew, thank god I'm recording this!

"How, I need to know how!" I whisper.

"Well we do have powers, why not put them to use! She hasn't figured out our secret yet, so it isn't breaking the rules!" Audie suggests.

Please, please no!

"Did you forget the spell, Katie?" Scumbag asks.

"Yeah, teach it to me?" She asks cheesyily.

"Sure." Melanie says as she turns her back to the girls.

"This puny human can not know," Melanie starts singing. "so let his/her memory go!"

I hear a zap as I turn to face the now huge hole in Melanie's wall right next to me.

"Like that!" She cheers happily.

Holy smokes! They have magic powers!

I run down the long corridor to the stairs, run down the stairs, tripping once, but still ran to Niall.

"They...they have magical pow..." I say before fainting.

(Time skip! Louis at the hospital along with Eleanor!)

Niall's POV

Sweet! My crush has super powers! That is so sick!

I have some sort of witch girl—hold on, 2 things.

1) She isn't my girl,

2) I can not cross her. I'd be a dead man.

Great. I can't make her angry! She will turn me into some kind of fish or so something! She may even turn me into some Nandos and eat me for dinner! I wouldn't mind getting eaten by her though—stop! Calm down! Your partner in crime is in the hospital!

"Niall? Niall!" I hear Melanie call from outside the hospital doors. (See, she is getting happier!)

"Hey Love," I say, holding out my hands for a hug. "I know you don't like El but this means a whole lot to Louis."

I felt like millions of people where puncturing holes through my heart, drilling one huge hole through it, ripping it, then throwing it in the washing machine. That hurts.

"I have a lot on my mind, so..." She scratches her hair.

"Like Audie leaving? I know, losing your little sister is hard-"

"No! You don't know!" She screams as I flinch back in fear. "Haha, got you."

I stare at her while she laughs hysterically, as the rest of the people in the hospital stare at her as if she had some mental problems. She is perfect, witch and all.

Witch and all.

That hit me like a bullet. My crush is a freaking witch? That is really scary, man. She has been more peppy lately, too. Creepy!

"Hey, is there something your hiding?" I ask, fiddling with my fingers.

She sighs before saying, "Yes."

"W-what is it?" I ask nervously.

"I'm on my period. There! You have it! That's why the mood swings are kicking in!" She yells as she throws her hands in the air and walks in a circle.

"Witches have periods? Gross!" I say before I cover my hand. She looks at me like, what did you just say?

"W-why would you think that?" She sobs before breaking down and crying. Are all girls like this?

"N-no, Mel, I-" I start before she shoves me.

"I hate you!" She yells before running out the hospital. The rest of the people around are looking at me like, you messed up~!

"Look, I know I'm sexy, but stop staring!" I yell at the people around me as they roll their eyes.


Louis' POV

"Look, Eleanor, I know I messed up when I kissed Melanie in her sleep but you don't have to hate her for it! I-it was my fault!" I yelled, throwing my hands in the air. "Come on, El! Wake up! Please!"

The doctors were poking me and saying visiting hours were over.

"I get it! Ok!" I say as I stand up out of the chair and head for the door.

"Someone is on their man period." I hear a soft voice chuckle as I turn around to see my beautiful girlfriend.

"Eleanor," I say, grabbing her hands. "Thank goodness!"

"I'm fine," she laughs. "I only fainted."

"I thought you went into a coma or something! You slept for 3 days!"

"I slept for 3 days?!" She yells softly.

"No, no, I'm just joking." I chuckle as I kiss her hand. "Love you."

"Love you too." She smiles as the doctors tell me that it is time to go.

I leave the waiting room and bump into a big woman who says, "Your friend over there made a girl cry. MH MH! So I slapped him."

"You'd slapped Niall?!" I yell as I run behind her and look at a Niall rolling on the floor.

"I didn't know I could be slapped in the balls...." Niall groans as he rolls around on the floor.

"Niall get up. We are going after Melanie." I say as I grab Niall and drag him out of the hospital.

"Sorry folks!" I yell before we leave.


(Hey nerdz! :p

I am going to do an. Update marathon when I update (or try to) every 30 minutes for 5 episodes! (not including author notes!) WHOO HOO!

Starts tomorrow!)

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