Episode 17 - Multiple Personalities - Detective El, Jealous El, and MERMAID EL?!

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Same day - 2 more days before Audrey leaves


El's POV

That is impossible! They can't just poof away! I was going to put that on twitter!

I angrily stomp over to Louis and slap him, hard, before running inside the house again with tears streaming down my face.

I ran down the long beach before taking a seat on a random rock and looking out at the sunset. The way the orange mixed with the blue in such a beautiful way entertained me.

If Louis doesn't love me...would he feel guilty if I committed suicide? (WOAH EVEN MORE NEGATIVITY THERE!)

No, he wouldn't...forget it, he wouldn't. Cant he just grow a pair and get out here?! Stop me from doing this, Louis! Pssh, like he is going to hear my thoughts...he's no phychic.

I stand up from the rock so I can climb on the taller rock that reached farther out into the ocean.

Once I looked down, I noticed pointed rocks that the bottom. Pain to forget the pain, I guess?

I spread out my arms and let the winds push me off. I keep my eyes closed as I feel the air between my fingers and toes.

I don't feel much pain, except the impact of water, so I peek out of one eye. A muscular guy with sleek black hair and fangs poking out jumped up and saved me.

"Hey love," He said. "Allow me to kiss you."

He kissed me pretty roughly. No tender kiss like Louis, but a rough one.

He smirks as he pulls away, while I pout.

"No more for now, love. You're my slave." He smirks.

"Excuse me? No I'm not!" I yell.

"I just saved your life and gave you something amazing. I think I am." He says as he crosses his arms.

"That kiss was nothing amazing!" I yell with a bright blush taking over my face.

"Not the kiss, idiot. Why do you think you can breathe underwater?" He sasses me.

I take a look above me and see the waves rolling over me. I look down and see a...a...a tail!

"I'm a mermaid?!" I yell happily.

"Yes, you are." He says sarcastically as I roll my eyes. "No you are a siren, love."

"Seren? What the heck is that?" I say as I cross my arms.

"Siren, not seren love. Come on, say it with me-SIIIII-REEEEN."

"Fine. SIIIII-REEEEN." I groan.

"Now that you are in debt to me, I have something for you to do." He says as he gives out this serious aura. "Do you know girls named Audrey, Melanie, and Katie?"

"Yes. I despise them too." I sneer at the memory of them.

"They are mermaids. It's your job to make sure they are found out. Capeesh?" He says simply, like it's no big deal.

"Capeesh. What is your name anyway, merfreak?" I ask as I cross my arms.

"Zach. Now go. You will grow legs once you reach land. I will tell you more tomorrow." He waves me away.

"Let the games really begin." I smirk as I rub my hands together and swim up for the surface.


Audrey's POV

We ended up on the dirty, left side, out the house, our tails as clear as day.

"Thanks Audie." Mel sighs as she flops on her fish butt. "I would have been revealed if it wasn't for you. I don't think I've told you this...yet. But, I-I...love you. I've said it to Zach. And mum. Your the only family member I haven't told it to. Even though Zach isn't family."

"You told Katie a lie, about Zach, didn't you?" I ask. "Oh, and I love you too."

We give each other a hug, as our tails vanish.

"Yeah. I told her that to keep her at bay, for now. She will be finding out the truth about that murderer soon. He said he was coming for me the day before I turn 18, right? That's next month."

"Yeah. It sucks that only Katie will be there to protect you. I wanted to protect you too, sis." I sigh.

"I know, but we will hold off." She says.

"I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow." I say, flopping on my butt.

"I don't want you to leave." She whispers as she hugs my waist.

"I have to." I say, rubbing her head.

"No you don't. Y-you can turn down their offer..." She said as her voice trails off, realizing that I couldn't turn this offer down.

I struggled to pull her up.

"Sometime before Zach gets here, you have to tell her, Mel." I say, prying her off my waist. "Preferably before I leave."

"She'll be hurt I lied to her, though..." She whispers, with her head facing toward the ground.

"That will be better than telling her once he gets here." I say.

"Yeah...you are right." She says as she puts on a weak smile.

We walk back to the pool party, seeing Louis holding his hand gently against his cheek, and everyone else surprised.

"W-what happened when we were gone?" I ask sheepishly.

"El slapped Louis." Niall says simply.

"H-how did you guys teleport?" Louis asks, quickly changing the subject.

I stood there, shocked. People don't usually remember when I teleport. (They trained off screen. :p)

"N-no I didn't." I say.

"Yes you did! Right, lads?" He says, turning to the other boys.

"Nope." Zayn.

"I don't remember that." Harry.

"Louis, maybe you just need to eat a little something." Mel says, coming from behind me.

Louis runs past me at a surprising speed and hugs Melanie. He sobs slightly into her shoulder as she stands there, shocked.

"I...I love you too." He says, holding back more sobs.

A huge crack was heard from inside, so everyone turned away from the love scene and to the window sliding door thing.

Eleanor was stading there, with an impressive dark blue aura surrounding her. There was a visible smirk on her lips, and her redish eyes were clear as day. (ELEANOR IS SUCH A SWEET AND KIND GIRL IT JUST WORKS FOR THE STORY)

She pointed at Mel and said, "You. I will finish you today."

Mel backed away from Louis and said, "Bring it on."

Eleanor created a bubble around them, launching them up a few feet in the air, then floating over the pool.

"Who ever gets hit first, falls." She smiled a sickeningly sweet smile.

"I'm ready for whatever you throw at me."


Hey my nerdz :p!

I left my ipod in a rental car in New York. (WAH) but lucky for me, my grandmother, who was there with us, was staying an extra few days and picked it up from hertz for me. She shipped it off! (YAY!) It should get here soon. Faster updates! Yay!

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