Episode 28 - Who Are You?!

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I haven't uploaded in a while, so what the heck. Here it is:

Katie's POV

I stared out the window, admiring the view. I haven't come out of my room all day now.

I was only on the second floor. I could leave and they wouldn't even notice.

Because they don't care.

I could die and they wouldn't mourn. They would just go on with their lives and totally forget about me.

I opened the window, and climbed up on the ledge. If I die, fine. If I live, okay.

I fell over, flipping once before landing on all fours.

"Nice fall."

I turned to face the voice. It was a man with light brown spiked hair, deep blue eyes and a creepy wide smile. He took a cigarette out of his mouth and threw it on the ground. He stepped on it then came up to me.

"What's your name, sweet cheeks?"

"He would always call me sweet cheeks. After he started abusing me, he called me by that and not my name. The way it just casually rolled off his tounge always creeped me out."

"W-whats your name?" I stammered, as my palms quickly became sweaty.


"Stay away!" I yelled, sending out a blast of water, sending him back a few feet.

"It's not nice to assume things about people, sweet cheeks!"

I bolted around the nearest corner, and down the street. The night sky was going from peach to dark blue fairly quickly and I needed a place to hide.

I heard his footsteps behind me, closing the gap between us. He held a hand over my mouth and wrapped me in his arms.

"I see Mel told you about me, huh sweet cheeks? She told you all the dirty things I used to do-"

"Dirty?" I stammered. "She told me you abused her!"

"I did. She told you only half of the story." I could feel his breath by my ear. "You are about to experience the second part."

I elbowed him in the rib cage. He hissed in pain as he held out a shaky hand.

"What are you doing?" I asked cautiously.

"Stopping you, sweet cheeks."

A long string of purple goop followed me as I ran into the park. Its dim light illuminated the way, as I weaved through the trees, desperately trying to avoid it. I never should have come out alone. I should have known it was a stupid idea. But no, I was too caught up in my own world of grief that I didn't care about my safety—or possibly anyone else's.

I quickly began panting, but I wasn't going to give into this filthy life form. I wasn't about to let him do anything to me, or to Melanie.

I reached the end of the forest a few minutes after. Placing my hands on my knees, I took a quick look behind me to see if the purple goop was still there. Nope. I was goop free.

I thought about calling the police, but what good would that do? This is supernatural biz so they would probably think it was a joke. Scratch that off the list.

I could try calling Melanie, but she didn't want to talk to me. She probably who faint from seeing Zack again, too. Scratch her off the list.

Audrey is in Washington. Scratch her off the list.

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