
35 1 0

"Woah.. seriously? You almost got into a big trouble.." Eun-mi said.
"How can you be so clumsy? On your first day of work?" In-hye asked in disbelief.
Right now, they were eating their own dinner while having a small conversation about what happened in the dining room.
"I didn't do it on purpose.. It's just they might recognised me from earlier 'accidental' meeting." Mi-yeon explained.
"You met them?" In-hye and Eun-mi asked in unison.
"By accident.. I never thought they would recognised me..." Mi-yeon said. She doesn't even know their name. And even worst, she didn't know they were prince and princess.
"Then you must be..." Eun-mi was about to say but someone interrupted her.
"Mi-yeon ssi... Chief Ga-in wanted to meet you in her room." That person said.

"It must be about earlier..." Mi-yeon began to nervous again.
"Okay, I'll be right there.. Thank you..." Mi-yeon thanked the girl and stand up immediately.
"Will you be okay alone?" In-hye asked.
"Sure.. besides, I already finished my food.. I'll be right back soon to help you with the dishes.." Mi-yeon said.
"It's okay, just go straight to the room. We'll take care of other things." In-hye said.
Mi-yeon nodded and leave them.
"Hey, what is it about?" Eun-mi asked the girl. Glaring at her sharply.
"I...I...don't know... ma'am just asked me... to call her.." The girl said. Somehow, Eun-mi's glared scared her.
"Are you sure?" Eun-mi looked at her up and down. The girl quickly nodded. "Okay then, you may go.." She ordered.
The girl leave immediately after she said that.

In-hye just stared at Eun-mi in disbelief.
"What??" Eun-mi asked.
"Seriously?? Must you always scared other people like that?" In-hye asked.
"What's wrong with that? That worked on everyone. You should thanked me for that. My glare gave everyone shivered which means.. more information for us..." Eun-mi said proudly.
"We can just ask them nicely though."
"Well, if we just do that, there will leave no fun!" Eun-mi raised her brows.
"I really2 can't understand you.." In-hye sighed and shook her head a few times while Eun-mi just chuckled.
"Better not..." She said chuckling even louder.


"How could you be so careless on your work? You almost caused trouble.. I'm sure you realised your mistake." Chief Ga-in scolded.
"I'm sorry, ma'am.. It was my fault.. I promised that I'll be more careful next time. Please forgive me.." She bowed and still stared onto the ground. She doesn't have any courage to face Chief Ga-in.
Chief Ga-in only sighed heavily.
"Remember your own words, Mi-yeon.. I won't be soft with you again next time." She warned.
"I will. Thank you ma'am.." Mi-yeon thanked her.
"Make sure no mistake again. You may leave now." Chief Ga-in ordered.
"Y..yes... ma'am..." Mi-yeon bowed before leaving the room and went right to her room.

As soon as she came in the room, Eun-mi jumped right in front of her.
"What did ma'am told you? Did she scolded you? Are you okay?" Eun-mi asked.
"Woah... I mean.. calm down, can't you ask one by one.." Mi-yeon said still surprised at her appearance.
"Oopss.. sorry,didn't mean to shock you up."
"And about your question... Yes.. she kind of scolded me but I'm okay." Mi-yeon continued.
"What else?" In-hye interrupted.
"Nothing, she just advised me to be careful next time." Mi-yeon explained.
"Wait.. Chief Ga-in?? Advised you??" Eun-mi asked again to be sure whether she heard it right or her ears got a problem.

"Yes.. she did, why?"
"Chief Ga-in don't advised people. She corrected them. I'm sure you're mistaken." In-hye replied while preparing the bed sheets to sleep on.
"But, she did advise me.. Did I misheard it?" Mi-yeon said in lowered tone.
"Let's just forget about it and sleep. We need to wake up early tomorrow." In-hye said.
"Yeah... I'm sleepy already.. Just hope that tomorrow will be better." Eun-mi beamed.
"Yea.. I hope so..." Mi-yeon muttered.
She really hoped she won't mess up anything again tomorrow.


"Wow... you woke up so early.. even the sun didn't show up yet." Eun-mi said still yawning.
Mi-yeon just smiled and continued finishing her hair.
"Why would you prepare yourself so early? Where are you going?" Eun-mi asked not even bothered herself to sit up.
"I wanted to meet Sang-chul. We promised to meet up this morning." Mi-yeon replied. Finally finished her hair.
"Oh.. okay then.. just get back before breakfast time." Eun-mi said and almost drifted into sleep again but disturbed by Mi-yeon.

"Are we going to prepare breakfast for them?"
"Pfft... no, only King and Queen would have breakfast together. But, Chief Ga-in and others will take care of it. Princes and princess usually take breakfast in their room." Eun-mi explained lazily.
"Ooo.." Mi-yeon nodded understanding.
"Okay then, I'll get going now. Didn't want Sang-chul to wait for too long." Mi-yeon excused herself.
"Okay, take care..." Eun-mi said and continued her sleep right after.
Mi-yeon stepped outside and was about to walk but stopped immediately. She stood frozen trying to remember the way. She forgot to ask Eun-mi the way before leaving.

She didn't want to get back inside and disturbed Eun-mi's nap.
"Aigoo.. how can I forgot? Pabo.." She slapped herself trying to remember the way.
"Sang-chul said to meet at their training place... but the question is, where is that place??" Mi-yeon started talking to herself like a crazy person.
Then, she decided to just walk and maybe asked for anyone who's passing by.
"Ask someone for direction! Ask someone for direction! Ask someone for direction!" She kept muttering that to herself. Afraid that she might forget.
But, every time someone passed her, she forgot to ask. Well, that's Mi-yeon for sure.
"Why are there so few people here? Or am I still dreaming?" Mi-yeon said to herself.

While she kept thinking, a guy walked pass her bumping her shoulder a little. Making her snapped out of dream.
"Oh.. I'm sorry..." She apologised thinking that it was her fault without even looking at the guy. She's already tired from walking around.
The guy just nodded and continued his walk. So were Mi-yeon.
"What did I thought just now?" She asked herself while walking. She knocked her head repeatedly.
"Oh, yeah!!! Ask for direction..." Mi-yeon snapped.
She quickly turned around seeing that guy's still on her sight but walking further.
She ran to him immediately.

"Excused me!! Sir! Excused me!!" She shouted while running toward him.
The guy heard it and turned around. He watched Mi-yeon ran to him confusedly.
When Mi-yeon almost reach him. Her bad luck came again.. She stumbled on a rock and immediately fell onto the guy's chest. She accidentally hugged him to keep balance.
That guy didn't move at all as if he was a stone. His eyes widened a bit seeing a girl still hugging him.
"Huh.. almost... how embarrassing.." Mi-yeon mumbled.
She quickly stood up properly and bowed a few time messing up her hair that she just did earlier.

"I'm... S.. sorry... it was an accident... I didn't mean to..." Mi-yeon apologised.
The guy just nodded... again.. can't he talk?
"Oh yeah... and before I forgot... sir, May I ask you.. where is the training place? I'm still new here.." Mi-yeon asked.
The guy then pointed at a direction, showing the way to go there.
It was completely opposite from the way she walk earlier.
"T... thank you..."
After that, the guy turned around to continue his walk.
"Wait... it's not clear enough.. Could you give more details about it?" Mi-yeon asked stopping him from keep walking.
The guy suddenly sighed heavily and turned to face her.
"Miss, I'm on my way there.. just follow me and you'll be there." He said before started walking again.

'Oh, he can talk...' Mi-yeon thought and quickly followed him before she missed the way.
Not long after, they reach the place. Sang-chul was just standing right in front of the place waiting for her.
"Yah!! What took you so long??" He went to her right after he saw her.
"I'm sorry... I got lost just now.." Mi-yeon apologised.
"Seriously... Again?"
Mi-yeon just bit her own lip embarrass of herself. Then, she saw the guy who help her earlier walk straightly further.

"W... wait..." She chased him leaving Sang-chul behind clueless but then follow her behind.
The guy stopped and turned around.
"Thank you... for showing me the direction.." She bowed properly and thanked him.
"Oh, Tae-woo ssi?? You brought her here?" Sang-chul asked.
The guy just nodded.. Why can't he said anything?
"Yeah, I met him on my way earlier.. You know him?" Instead, Mi-yeon was the one who talked.
"Yeah.. he's one of my friends, Tae-woo, this is my sister I told you before... Thank you anyway, for helping her.. I should have known that she would get lost easily." Sang-chul thanked him.
Mi-yeon just can't help but smile at the word 'sister'. So that's what he always described her as.

"Not a big problem.." Tae-woo said shortly.
"He doesn't say anything on our way here." Mi-yeon said.
Sang-chul just chuckled at her.
"Yeah, that's Kang Tae-woo... He doesn't really talk unless the things benefit him.. he doesn't talk mostly to girls.. Save the voice for later." Sang-chul explained.
"Ouh..." Mi-yeon nodded while just staring at him.
Tae-woo just lowered his heard feeling uncomfortable to her stares.
"Yah... don't make him uncomfortable.." Sang-chul said.
"Sorry... anyway, my name is Yoon Mi-yeon.. nice to meet you, Kang Tae-woo!"

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