Yes, I am...

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"You're... Kim Ji-yoo??"
Mi-yeon was startled at the question. What happened while she was unconscious? Wait, does that mean Chul-soo also...
"Erm, what.. do you mean, your majesty? I don't understand..." Mi-yeon tried to act calm though she actually not.
"Stop pretending.. tell me the truth, please.. I need to know that.." King Junmyeon said not changing his serious expression.
"I.. never heard 'Kim Ji-yoo' name before.. except for weeks ago. Your niece, Kim Ah-young did call me that too.. I don't understand who is she anyway.." Mi-yeon chuckled slightly.
But her expression changed immediately after The king replied..
"She's my daughter.."
Mi-yeon sighed heavily, she tried so hard to stay calm.
"Oh, really.. I don't know you had another daughter except for Princess Chun-hwa." Mi-yeon said.

"I actually do.. but i never tell anyone because I'm scared.. but now i think I'm brave enough to acclaim that.. So please, I need to know if you're her.."
"There's no way I can become your daughter. that'll never happen.." Mi-yeon chuckled.
"Listen.. I.. I've made a big mistake in my life, and I want to redeem the mistakes that I made.." King Junmyeon said, feeling regret.
Mi-yeon clenched her fist under the bed sheet.
'Redeem? Now? Huh..' She even bit her lip hard to control herself.
"Then.. what if i am Ji-yoo? What would you do?" Mi-yeon braven herself to ask that.
"Then I want to take care of you.. as a daughter.. I'll announce my mistake to everyone and take you in as the daughter of the king. I want to spend my time with you.. 18 years time that got wasted.. all the time, that I should spend with you and your mother, Bae Joohyun.." The king said.
Mi-yeon eyes suddenly become teary after hearing her mother's name.

"What about the queen?"
"Don't worry about her.. she can't do anything since that was my choice.. I no longer want to be the coward."
Mi-yeon suddenly smirked. She roll her teary eyes.
"Your choice?? The choice you should've made from 18 years ago??" Mi-yeon slowly stood up. She can't hold it anymore.
"Let me just tell the truth. Yes.. I am Bae Joohyun's daughter.. But I'm not your daughter!! I don't have a father, especially someone like you!!" Mi-yeon speaks out rudely, holding her tears.
"And I never want to be your daughter." She continued.
"Ji-yoo ah.. so it really was you..." King Junmyeon walked closer.
"Don't.. I'm not Kim Ji-yoo.. I'm Yoon Mi-yeon, the daughter of the person you abandoned." Mi-yeon clenched her fist.
"Ji-yoo.. I'm.. I'm sorry... let's make it up between us.. please.. let me redeem my mistake.." King Junmyeon tried to grab her hand but she quickly pulled away.

"No!! I came here to work.. not to meet you... I don't know you.. I'm sorry for making a lot of trouble here.. I'll go now.." Mi-yeon said walking to the door but stopped by the king.
"Please.. don't hate me like this.. I'm truly sorry for what I had done.. if only Joohyun was still alive, I would like to apologise to her. All my life is full of misery ever since she's gone. I can't even sleep in peace thinking about my mistake." King Junmyeon said full of regret.
"Huh? Gone?? That's why I think you never care about us!! You don't even know the truth.. no wait.. you never want to find the truth!!" Mi-yeon beamed.
"What do you mean? The truth?"
"First, do you know I'm still alive? If you do, you should have find me since the beginning but you never try!! And second, my mother, Bae Joohyun. she's still alive, she's with me for the last one month, in a very weak condition. if you're so sure that she's dead, you should've at least tried to find her body.."

King Junmyeon was completely shocked knowing Bae Joohyun still alive.
"Do you even know where she is all this time?" Mi-yeon asked.
"She was tortured in this palace dungeon.. by who? By your queen.." Mi-yeon revealed.
The king eyes widened completely after hearing that.
"She was so close to you.. but you never notice.." Mi-yeon cried.
"I.. I thought she died in prison.. when I knew she didn't cause the fire i asked the guard to take her out but they said she's already dead.. I never ordered anyone to torture her.. could it be.."
"Huh.. you've just realised it now? You're even worse than I thought.."

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