Meeting Her

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 Bre's P.O.V

"Bre gets up. I have to take you to your new school," my big sister Avery shouted from downstairs.

"I'm up and in the kitchen. I have been up since 4:30 am. You would know if you weren't so lazy, " I say to her, walking out of the kitchen to her

“Yeah yeah..” she says rolling her eyes at me “by the way you gotta take your motorcycle and follow me to the school because today I won't be able to pick you up my boss wants me to stay till 12 am to work on stuff” she groaned

"ok, well, I will meet you there, Ave," I say, walking past her outside and walking to my baby/motorcycle and hopping on before starting it and riding toward the school

*at the school*

I got off my motorcycle and took my helmet off. I started to fix my long curly brunette hair in the mirror of my motorcycle when a brown-eyed girl walked up to me

"Wow, is that your motorcycle, the brown-eyed girl says with aww

I just nodded my head, scared to speak and make fool of myself

"Well, I'm guessing your new my name is Tiffany Garden. What you’s?" she asks, taking her eyes off my baby

"Bre Goldman," I say quietly and look at her she was about 5ft 3in

Her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she wore a cheerleading outfit

"Well, nice to meet you, and I hope we can be friends," she says with hope, twinkling in her eyes and a smile on her face

"I would like that," I say, smiling back at her

I heard Avery's car pull up next to us, and Tiffany's focus turned to my sister, who was behind me her mouth fell open, leaving me confused it was just sister after all

"Bre, could you stop flirting? we need to get to the office," Avery tells me in a rushed voice

"I was not flirting I was - " Avery cut me off

"Just come on. I don't have time for this," she says the first bit to me and the last part more to herself

"Okay," I say to her and turn to Tiffany. "See you later," I say, giving her a small smile before turning back to Avery and following her

"See you later," Tiffany shouted to Me as Me and Avery's head inside

I and Avery made our way to the principal's office so she could sign papers and talk to the principal about something

When we walked into the principal's office, my jaw dropped to the floor standing there was a goddess sitting in the principal's office.

The goddess had electric blue eyes and long dirty blonde hair, she was wearing a dark blue dress and her glasses clung to her nose about to fall off seeing as she was staring down at papers that I assume were important.

She hadn't noticed us yet seen till Avery cleared her throat, making the dirty blonde haired woman look up at us.

She looked to Avery for a quick second before looking me up and down….wait for what?

"Hi, you guys must be Avery and Bre Goldman. Come sit down, and we will talk, and I am Miss Hall, " she introduced herself and  gestured us to take a seat in front of her

“Hi so I was told that I need to speak to you about me being Bre's guardian and to sign some papers,” Avery says to her as I look down trying not to check out my new principal

I played with my fingers for the distraction of looking at her while they spoke, and after talking about the paperwork and Avery signing it Miss. Hall turns to me

"I hope you love AHS," Miss Hall told me, smiling kindly at me

"I'm sure she will. I’m sorry but I have to go now “ Avery says, looking at her watch “Be good and see you later at home, and nice meeting you, Miss Hall, " Avery says before getting up quickly and  leaving the office so she could head to work

"Okay, so I will bring you to your class," Miss Hall says, standing up, then grabbed my schedule she had printed out and handed it to me

I followed her down to a room with a dark brown wooden door that had plack on it that said  'calculus honors class'

"Here we are," She tells me, smiling

"Thank you," I say shyly

"You're welcome," she says, smiling more before  opening the door, and her expression changes to a straight face as she leads me into the classroom

"Hi, Mrs. Jeffrey. I'm sorry that miss. Goldman is late. I had to talk to her since it's her first day here. " Miss. Hall explained to the brunette, who I just learned is Mrs. Jeffrey

"it's ok. You may take a seat anywhere you would like Miss Goldman, " Mrs. Jeffrey says politely

I looked up and looked around and then spotted Tiffany, who ushered me over to the empty seat next to her...

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