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Bre's P.O.V

"We need to talk about what happen 3 weeks ago" she says to me

"I already know what you are going to say Miss.Hall..." I tell her looking away for a second before looking back at her

"It's Jaden when we are alone remember also..Then what am I going to say Bre" she asked me

"That we can't happen because you could lose your job don't worry I won't tell an-"

I was interrupted with soft lips crashing into mine.I immediately wrapped my arm around her waist and started kissing back passionately. It lasted for what felt like hours but was actually only a couple of minutes

"So what is this because you can't just kiss me and leave or kick me out like last time ?" I say as I catches my breath .Are foreheads touching.

"Listen Bre I tried to get rid of my feelings for you because of my job and I have a 6 year old son that I have to think about but I just can't get rid off these feeling I realized it as soon as April started flirting with you. I want you and this possibly a bad idea but I would like to give us a shot" she confessed to me smiling nervously

"I would love that and I would like to know if you would go on a date with me tomorrow don't worry it is not around here it's 2 towns over" I say to her nervously

"Wait you don't care I have a son?" She asked surprised

"No I'm ok with that but I am curious aren't you 22. how did that happen?" I asked her curiously

"you will just have to wait till tomorrow night to find out and here's my number so you can call or text " she says to me smiling

"I guess so. I'm looking forward to learning more about you. Jaden Hall." I say smiling widely at her

"And I'm looking forward to learning more about you. Bre Goldman." She says to me smiling back

I looked at my watch that I had to see that it was getting late and I knew Avery was waiting for me to get home to cook dinner

"Welp I have to get going Avery is expecting me home to make dinner but before I go let's not forget to exchange phone numbers" I say the last part shyly

"Yeah definitely can't forget that" She smiled and took her phone out and I did the same and we exchange phone numbers

When she gave me my phone back I see she put her contact as 'Jaden😉'

"I love your contact name in my phone" I say giggling and she blushed a little

"Yeah well I love your's too" she says to me.

I put my contact as 'Bre😍'

"Okay okay I should really get going" I say to her before pecking her lips "I'll see you tomorrow" I winked at her as I left

Miss.Hall [New Version] [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now