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Bre's P.O.V

So today was my first day of suspension, and right now I was heading to Miss Hall office to but it is kind of nerve-racking seeing as I'm going to be alone in a room with my crush who is also my principle.

As I approached her office door, I froze as the door opened, and Miss Hall appeared in front of me

"Oh hey.." she said after she jumped when she saw me."I didn't think you would show up so soon," she said, her hand on her chest

"I'm sorry that I was scared," I apologized, looking down at the ground

I felt her finger underneath my chin, and she lifted my head up and looked into my eyes, making me blush a little

"It's okay sweetie it isn't your fault," he says kindly to me before letting go of my chin. "Now let's get in my office," she says to me

she went back into her office, and I followed her and closed the door behind me

"So what do I do?" I say, looking around her office

"So apparently nobody has worked for you to do so you can sit down next to me and help me organize these files by alphabetical order," she says to me, pulling up a chair next to her chair before sitting down and gestures me to sit down as well

Did as told and sat down next to her and began trying to put them alphabetical order. Keyword trying, I couldn't concentrate with her legs brushing against mine. I kept feeling sparks.

I looked up at Miss Hall and studied her. She is so beautiful her blonde hair flowed down to her waist and when she was thinking she would bite her lip.

She turned her head and caught me staring. Fuck.

"Yes, Bre?" She says to me with a small smirk playing on her lips

"Um... nothing...just y-your beautiful," I stuttered, getting lost in her gorgeous ocean blue eyes

"Ohh.." she said to me, blushing

"I-I'm sorry," I say to look down at my lap

Before I knew it, my chair did not turn towards her, and my chin was being lifted up by soft finger.

"Bre, you are beautiful too," she says, tucking my loose strand of hair behind my ear

We were so close right now that one of us just had to move one more centimeter, and we would be kissing.

I don't know what happened or who moved first but my lips were now on her's and I kissed her back passionately....then the realization hit me she's my principal I pulled away and looks like we both realized the same thing

"You are my student. Dammit." she moved away from me standing up straight "Bre you need to leave now," she said to me sternly, and I decided to push not to her and left like I was told too

As I left all I could think about is that I just had my first kiss with my principal/ the woman I have a crush on...Fuck I can't believe I kissed her...

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