Why is she jealous?

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Bre's P.O.V

It has been 3 weeks since Miss.Hall and I have spoken or even looked at each other heck I didn't even do my second day of suspension.

Anyways it was now Friday and the last class of the day. Gym. And guess who is doing weekly check-upsMiss. Hall, she was trying not to make my way the whole time we were in the weight room lifting which kinda upset me because not gonna lie I wanted her to check me out.

It was almost the end of the gym when April came over with lust evident in her eyes as she took my body in

"Hey Bre, how are you?" April asks to me licking her lips

"Good, how are you?" I asked back to be polite

"Good but it would be even better if you would go on a date with me or have sex with me. I prefer the second option more " she says flirtatiously with a smirk on her face and that when Miss. Hall finally shot her head up with jealousy clear in her e why is she jealous?

"Um...I'll think about it, " I said to her

"Well don't think for too long because I know I can make all your fantasy come true," she said seductively and smirk as she walked away

My mouth fell open and I just stood frozen thinking that girl is crazy as fuck.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when someone next to me clears their throat and I turned to see it was none other than Miss. Hall and I looked around to see everyone was gone school has ended.

"Did you hear all of that conversation?" I asked Miss Hall she nodded yes

"So you going to take her offer?" She asked jealousy evident in her voice

"No she is crazy i'm still a virgin no way am I gonna lose it to a girl who just wants sex... why am I telling you this?" I say to her standing up from the bench press

"So you're still a Virgin how?" she asked fiddling with her fingers

"What do you mean by "how" I'm nerd well at least I look like one and it's hard to talk with a woman when you look like well me and isn't this little inappropriate content to tell my teacher/principal," I say looking at her and she rolled her eyes

I started walking out of the gym room but before I could get out fully I felt a tug on my wrist and I turned around to see Miss. Hall looking at me with a serious look

"We need to talk about what happen 3 weeks ago," she says...

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