Best Friends And Comfort

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Bre's P.O.V

I and Tiffany are hangouts this week since I have nothing to do this week seeing as Jaden is at her father's funeral they called her last week to tell her luckily I was there to comfort her she was so broken it broke my heart I wish I could be there for her but she can't just show up with her student.

"Hey Bre, you ok look a little sad" Tiffany says to me

Right now we were at my house sitting in my bed watching Liza Koshy YouTube videos on my laptop and talking about our days and how we can't wait for graduation.

"Um...yeah everything's alright" I lied to her. I feel bad lying to my Best friend.

"I know your lying I'm your best friend I can tell" she smirked at me "does it have to do with Miss. Hall?" she asked smiling and I froze staring at her

"H-how?" I stuttered outlook at her

"I'm your best friend I pay attention to these things, well you and her are always making googly eyes at each other," she says to me

Damn, I thought we were being discreet at school. I guess not.

"You can't say anything she might get mad or scared " I panicked

"I won't don't worry also I think I'm the only one who can tell you two are in love so don't worry about that and anyway so why you so sad" she soothed me

"I'm just sad I can't be there for her while she's at her father's funeral" I confessed to her

"When does she get home from the funeral," she asked me curiously

"Um..8:45pm. Why? "I asked her confused where this was leading

"Well it's 7 pm so how about you go to get her some ice cream, chocolates then go to her house and cheer her up" she suggested to me

"Your the best you know that. I don't know what I would do without as my best friend like you I love you" I embraced in a hug

"I love you too" she hugged me back" Now hurry up before your girl gets home," she said to me pulling away and ushering me to leave

"What about you though. We were supposed to have a sleepover" I told her concerned
about her

"Its okay I will hangout with Avery and keep her from getting curious," she says I think there's a little too much excitement in her voice about getting to be with my sister alone but I shook that out of my head and drove to get my girl some things to comfort her just like my best friend suggested.

~* 8:20 pm At Jaden's house*~

I got my key that Jaden gave me and went inside put the ice cream in the fridge then started setting the food that, I got from the Chinese place I stopped at before coming here, on the plates and putting the plates on the table.

I heard the door opening than my gorgeous girlfriend step through with tears in her eyes making my heartache

"Oh my gosh" she jumped up holding her chest when she noticed I was there

"Sorry" I apologized for scaring her "I just wanted to come to take care of you because you been through a lot," I told her softly before walking over to her and lifting her bridal style and carrying her to the chair at the table sitting her down gently

"Thanks,e but I am really not hungry," she says looking at the food than me

It broke my heart to see her so sad. I know how close she and her dad were it was just like me and my dad.

"Anytime Mi Amor but can you please eat I know you haven't today " I plead because I know she hasn't eaten today

"Alright but can you stay and cuddle with me tonight" she compromised

"Of course I will that's what I planned on doing anyway," I told her and then she started eating

After we are I put the plate in the sink before going over to her pick her up bridal style, bring her to her room where we both stripped down and laid down cuddling together.

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