The Principles office

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I was sitting in class taking notes about newton's law of inertia when I heard behind me a jerk say

"Bro, I would totally bang Miss. Hall, have you seen her ass wow like mmm..." I stood up, turning around and grabbed the jerk by his collar, stopping him mid-sentence

"Don't ever disrespect her like that?" I say then I right hooked him in the face making his nose bleed

"BRE TO THE PRINCIPLES OFFICE NOW," Mrs. Lion demanded me angrily and pointed to the classroom door

I let go of the jerk and walked out the door with Jack and Mrs. Lion following behind me

We reached Miss Hall's office and Mrs. Lion knocked on her door

"Please come in." Her angelic voice welcomed

"Oh hi, Mrs. Lion, Bre and Jack, why are you guys here, and oh my, are you bleeding, Jack? " Miss. Hall asks, concerned

"Bre want to tell her why we are here and why Jack's nose is bleeding," Mrs. Lion says, glaring daggers at me

This teacher never really liked me, and I don't even know what I ever did to her.

Miss. Hall looks at me with a trusting smile, and I look down at the ground before responding to her

" I might have punched jer....Jack in the face," I say, looking at the ground in a shame

"Bre you are suspended for 2 days but it an in-school suspension so you will come to my office and do your work in here and eat lunch in here" that is supposed to be a punishment really cause it sounds like No bad Bre don't think about that "Jack you got detention with Mrs.Lion because there had to be a reason for Bre to punch you," she says and I wanted to smirk so badly

"What, but she punched..." "Wait what that's not f..." he and Mrs. Lion said at the same time but stopped mid-sentence seeing that Miss. Hall was glaring at them both, and let's just say wow that was one sexy glare but also scary

"Bre stays in here, and you may be dismissed Mrs.Lion and Jack. Jack, you should stop by the nurse first, though, to get your nose cleaned up. "

Jack and Mrs. Lion left the room, and then I heard heals coming over to me than Miss. Hall put her finger under my chin, lifting my face so we could make eye contact.

"Hey, it's okay. I'm not mad at you, and if you want, I won't tell Avery about what happens," she said to me sweetly

"Really? Thank you. " I hugged her tightly, and she hugged me back surprisingly

"You're welcome, but don't do it again, and you still have the suspension with me," she says, smiling at me

" I won't do it again, I promise, and okay," I say to her, smiling widely at her

"Good now you may go," she says to me, going back behind her desk

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Mrs. Hall," I said, walking out of her office and back to class

I can't wait for my in-school suspension...

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