Dreams And Hospitals

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Bre's P.O.V

"You never listen, do you she needs to be grounded ?" my mom yelled to my dad

"One I'm not listening to you cause you're being a bitch to our daughter two she doesn't need to be grounded she is just being a regular teenager " my dad looks at her with anger in his eyes

"WATCH OUT DAD" I Shouted at my dad when I saw the truck coming toward us at full speed


"-DAD" I jumped up and looked to see I was in a hospital bed and started to freak out till I saw Avery and...Miss.Hall? Looking at me with worried eyes

" Why do you guys look so worried? It " I say trying to sit upon the bed trying to distract them from what I just shouted when I woke up

"Bre you were stabbed why else would I be worried? " Avery says coming to hug me with tears in her eyes

I looked at her with pain in my eyes

"I'm sorry that I worried Avery I will be careful next time," I say to her and she pulled me into a hug "Low" I cringe in pain

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt you," she says pulling away with a tear sliding down her cheek and I wiped away

"It is okay. Hey can you get me cold water please and some painkillers" I asked feeling the pain increase

"Sure but no moving around I don't want you getting more hurt then you are may have, says protectively before walking out to get what I needed

After she left I sat up more and turned my attention, Miss. Hall

"Didn't your sister tell you not to move" Miss. Hall asked me

"Yes. Now Miss. Hall no offense but what are you doing here?" I ask I was really curious about why she would be here.

She walked over to me and sits close to me on the hospital bed causing my heart to race, my palms to sweat while my breath got caught in my throat

"I'm the one who called the ambulance and I wanted to make sure you would be okay," she said to me in a caring voice making me blush a little

"I really appreciate you helping me Miss. Hall. you're my knight and shining armor..." I told her before looking away to hide my face so she couldn't see how badly I was blushing after saying that

"Anytime And Outside of school please call me Jaden," she says and I looked back to see her smiling at me with a hint of a blush on her face

"You got a beautiful name Jaden," I say confidently and she blushed more

"T-thank you" she stuttered out blushing even more than Before...

"she is so adorable" Oh fuck by the look of her face I think I just said that out loud

Before she could respond Avery came in with a nurse who had my painkillers and water...thank you, Avery...

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