Parents And First Times

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Jaden's P.O.V

Bre and I have been together for about 2 months now and so far Ben loves her. I love her. They both get along great which is awesome and I couldn't help but be happy but there's one question on my mind that I'm scared to ask her.

Bre and I are sitting on the couch in each other's arms watch White collar on Netflix since Ben is with my mom. I decided to Pause the show and woman up and just ask her the question.

"Why did you pause it was at the good part" She whined to me and I pecked her lips to calm her down

"I need to ask you something important and I understand if you're not ready to tell me," I told her nervously

"Okay so what's the question?" she says smiling at me

"I wanted to know about your mom and dad," I said to her and her smile fell making me feel bad for mentioning it "N-never mind you don't have to say and" she cut me off as I began to speak

"It's okay I'm want to tell you...I have actually been meaning too" she says to me honestly

"You can start whenever you want I'm right here with open ear babe" I exclaimed

"It was a year ago my parent was picking me up from school because I had got suspended for the 3rd time..." tears came down her face

"Take your time baby," I say to her wipe the tear off her cheeks with my finger

She took a deep breath and I pulled her to me holding her tight as she started to speak again

"My mom was ranting on how he should discipline me more but dad he loved me too much to discipline me I was his little princess you know..." she chuckled a little with more tears streaming down her face

"Anyways him being stubborn like always. He i-ignored my mom which only made her madder" she took a deep breath and I rubbed her back as She continued on "So she yelled at him then he got so angry he took his eyes off the road and looked at her with a pissed of look and didn't pay attention to the other cars. But I was paying attention and when I saw a truck heading toward us I yelled at my dad to look b-but it was too late" she took another deep breath and buried her head in my shoulder before continuing "when I woke up from my coma I was in the hospital and I press the button for the doctor then asked them about my parents they told me my parents died on impact..." she says crying harder on my shoulder

"Let it out," I say hugging her tightly and rubbing her back

"Please don't leave me. I love you," she says catching me off guard because we haven't said those three words yet and because I know I would never leave her

"I'm not going anywhere I will be here for you know matter what. I love you too. " I say to her kissing her forehead and wiped the tears away from her cheek

"Do you really love me?" She asked me with hope in her beautiful chocolate brown eyes

"Yes with all my heart," I told her truthfully with a smile on my face which she returned her tears now gone



Next thing I know we are in my bedroom.

Bre starts to kiss my lips, down my jaw bone, down my neck then she tugged on my shirt ask for permission to take it off, and I lifted my arms up for her to take it off revealing my red laced bra then I used my eyes to ask her to take off her shirt which she happily obliged lifting her own over her head and took it off to reveal her black lace bra which was super sexy on her damn she hot and all mine. Both of us immediately started kissing each other after all of our clothes are off.

Bre took her lips off me, trailing kisses down my jaw, neck, stomach and to my thigh. She kissed up and down my thigh teasing me.

"Bre please" I begged her wanting to feel her inside me

"Please what?" I could feel her smirking against my thigh

"Please fuck me baby" I begged again

"Your wish is my command," she says before her tongue slide inside me swirling a figure eight

"Mmm...Yes" I moaned out

"BRE" I moaned out loudly gripping the sheets as she added to fingers inside me pumping in and out

" I'm gonna c-" I came and Bre licked her finger then came up kissed my lips laying down next to me

"You're pretty experienced for a first timer you know, I told her trying to get my breathing back under control

"Why thanks and it's all cause the internet," she says proudly and smirked

"My turn," I say before then got on top of her and started kissing down her jaw to her, down to her breast and her heart started beating rapidly

"Are you not ready because I won't do anything if you don't want me too" I calmly say to her and got ready to get off her but she grabs my waist so I wouldn't move

"No, I'm ready it's just a little nervous" she explained to me

"It's okay I will be very gentle and I'm honored that you choose me to be the one to take your virginity," I say before kissing down her chest, taking her nipple into my mouth and swirling it around with my tongue while sliding my hand down to her aching core

I pumped in and out slowly trying to be gentle

"b-babe faster" she begged and I speed my two fingers up while detaching my mouth from her boob and kissing my way to down to her core sticking my tongue in her, swirling a figure inside her as she did to me

"MM.JADEN" She moaned out my name tangling her fingers in my hair pulling it gently making me go even faster

"Babe I'm going to c-" then her sweet liquid went into my mouth and on my finger and I sucked it off, moaning before laying next to her putting my hands protectively around her waist.


"I love you, goodnight baby," I said to Bre feeling exhausted from the events that just occurred

"I love you too sweet dreams Mi Amor," she says seeming as exhausted as I was

What an eventful night I thought as I drifted off to sleep...

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