Day Of Love

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Bre's P.O.V

It's now Valentine's day and I plan on spoiling Jaden and Ben with gifts today. Seeing as Valentine's is the day to show your love I thought why not bring along Ben. I have fallen in love with him. It feels like he is my son too.

Today I'm bringing them to out to have fun where I know Ben and Jaden will love.

I knocked on Jaden's front door while holding the bouquet of roses I got for her and the toy truck for Ben under my arm waiting for someone to open the door.

After about two minutes the door opens to reveal Jaden in a sexy sparkly baby blue dress that shows all of her perfect curves and I couldn't stop staring at her.

"Hi, are those rose for me? And you got Ben something didn't you" she says the last part knowingly and took the roses out my hand and stepped aside to let me in but I couldn't move her beauty was to hypnotizing and I think she noticed

"I'm guessing you see something you like," she says smirking making me blush and jump out of my thoughts, and almost drop the toy truck have for Ben

"Yes, yes I do and I'm not ashamed to say I have the most gorgeous girlfriend," I say smiling making her blush

I walking in her house and setting Ben's gift on the coffee table next to the couch.

"Wait a second I have to finish getting Ben ready and I have to put these rose in a vase filled with water," she says pecking my lips before she starts doing what she has to do.

I sat on the couch patiently waiting for her to be done when Ben walked out and towards me, he was wearing black jeans and a blue shirt to match his mother.

"Hi little guy I got you a gift," I said pointing to the toy truck on the coffee table

"Thank you! thank you! Thank you!" his face lit up, jumping up and down in excitement making me smile. Ben hugged me tightly. I love this little guy.

"Anytime Ben, " I say to him as Jaden walks through

"Don't say that he will expect a toy every time he sees you and are you ready to go?" she asked and I stood up nodding my head then Jaden grabbed Ben's hand and we walked towards my sports car to leave

~* An hour later at the bowling alley*~

We arrived at the bowling alley and once we got there I saw both Ben's face also Jaden's face shine bright. I'm glad I'm the one who caused them to be happy because there basically my little family and all I want is them happy and to have fun.

"Are we really going bowling?" Jaden asked and I saw her eyes filled with excitement which made my heart melt at the sight

"Yes babe," I say while getting out to open her door and then grab Ben out of his car seat then we walked towards the bowling alley

Once we got in we went and got are bowling shoes after a while I went to order us pizza and grabbed to sodas and an Apple juice for Ben. I went back to Jaden and Ben who I could tell were both having a lot of fun which made me very happy.

"Here I got some food to fuel you guys, I told them sitting down at our booth then lay the food and drinks down on the table

Jaden picked up Ben, put him in the high chair next to our table so he could eat pizza then came and sat on my lap and ate her pizza.

"Thank you, Bre this is the best Valentine's day ever and I'm so glad you been including Ben because the other people I dated never wanted to get involved with Ben. Als,u have been here for both of us and made us both very happy." Jaden says with happy tears streaming down her face

"Well I love every part of you and Ben is one of those parts of you plus he is ann amazing just like his mother," I told her and kissed her passionately

"Momma" I heard Ben say then me and Jaden split apart to see Ben pointing at me

"W-what?" Jaden stuttered out, her eyes widen and she jumped off my lap in surprise

"Momma, Can I play?" He says looking at me smiling

"Sure little guy," I said and stood up grabbing him from the highchair

"You are okay with him calling you momma," Jaden asked me nervously and I smiled widely at her

"Yeah, I am. I love you and him I don't care what he calls me as long as he likes me and his mommy really really likes me " I told her and she blushed taking my free hand that wasn't holding Ben's little hand.

The rest of the night was great we played more and talked it was, all in all, the greatest Valentine's day I ever had.

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