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Bre's P.O.V

*month since I started school*

I have been spending more time with Tiffany, and we have become best friends quickly. Tiffany is in all my classes, which is pretty cool, and I can be myself around her, which is awesome. Oh, and Tiffany doesn't mind me being a lesbian cause. Well, she is bisexual I found out she is a cheerleader. She has two younger siblings and gets straight A's.

Also, I have grown to have a huge crush on Miss Hall and I found out she does weekly checkups of all the classes, which surely every check-up, and well, I would check her out when I saw her. I got caught by her almost every time, which would result in me turning away from her and blush.

Anyway, it was Friday. Tiffany and I were in the gym class, and we were told to wear workout clothes, but I forgot mine at home, so I had to borrow a sports bra and shorts from Tiffany

I got out of the girls changing room I heard a was Tiffany "Oh my gosh you have 6 pack and yet behind the shirt, you look like a nerd with no muscles what so ever and who would rather read then workout" she said with a shock written on her face

"Well, that's why don't judge a book by it's a cover," I say to her with a smirk, and she giggles

See, when I get to use someone, I'm more confident in front of them

Tiffany looked in front of us before turning back to me with a smirk on her face

"I think you have a fan club over there," she says, pointing to the girls lined up at the track where We were all supposed to gather up

Tiffany and I walked over to stand next to them to start our lap

"Girls, close your mouths. You don't want to catch files. Also, it's just unattractive," Tiffany says to them, and they closed their mouths quickly while I chuckled

20 minutes later

After running the girl I was warned about, I think her name is Apron or April, and it came up to me with a smirk on her face

"Hey, I'm April, and I sure would like to know how you got.." she placed her hand on my exposed six-pack "...these"

As I was about to say something, I heard a familiar voice from behind me...Miss.Hall

"Hands to yourself, April Lee." April retracted her hand from my abdomen

"Sorry, Miss, but come on, you're saying you don't want to feel these," she says, stepping away and giving Miss Hall a view of my six-pack

My ears were heated up when I noticed Miss Hall jaw dropped when she saw my abs. Wait for what?!

"April, that is i-inappropriate," she stuttered, trying to be stern, then walked away.

Thank you to whoever just had to make me fall for my principal...

Miss.Hall [New Version] [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now