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The entrance exam for UA is today and I felt nervous. I didn't know what would happen.

I didn't have a quirk and yet here I was, trying to get into hero school. I shook my head and quickly stuffed some different chemicals into my bag.

My bag, which was a lot like the one used by the super pink girl in Big Hero 6, was a baby blue and had the periodic table on it. I had spent most of my younger years making it.

I turned pain into work. As a result I often overworked myself, but I didn't care. I finished restocking my bag and got into my clothes.

After I finished I stuck the bag to my side and started heading downstairs, to the testing grounds.

As I left the house I yelled to my parents, "I'm on my way to try out for UA!"

They yelled back, "don't fuck it up!"

I nodded to myself and stored the pain for later use. I could use it to fuel myself. Turn the pain to work.

I raced down the street, not wanting to be late. I tested the bag a few times, checking to see if it still worked. It did.

When I made it I quickly found my seat. I listened closely to the man, Present Mic, and nodded along to most of what he said. I had already researched all of this.

When I got the paper it said that I would be going with group B. I smiled to myself and silently patted my bag, which responded by pumping out a ball of some chemicals.

I swiftly picked it up before it could roll away. It seemed to be just a ball of Chromium, which can cause stomach problems, low blood pressure, and kidney or liver damage. I shove it back through my bag, making sure that the chemical distributed back to its set place.

When I looked back up I saw that everyone was heading to their designated spots. I rushed over to mine and watched as the other students got ready. I, on the other hand, stayed in one place, takin everything in.

I trained for this. I pulled all-nighters training. I spent day after day running around the block until I passed out from the heat. Not to brag or anything, but that really improved most of my skills.

When the test started I quickly got moving. I managed to get in front of the crowd and made explosives by mixing Cesium with a hint of water. I simply make a ball of Cesium and them throw it at the robots, then I spit or throw water at the balls, causing the explosion.

I also helped a few people who were being attacked by robots, mostly for the points though. I was able to count an upward of more than 50 points. I smiled to myself before starting to smugly walk back to the front of the arena.

That's when I felt the ground start shaking. I panicked and looked around for whatever was causing it. A giant zero point robot came out of the ground. I didn't have enough Cesium to make more bombs so I quickly dashed off.

When I got out of the arena I completely ignored anything else that went on. I went straight to refilling my bag. Not much of anything but Cesium was used but I still refilled the bag.

After that I simply went home. There was nothing else to do at the school. On my way home I stopped by my chemical dealer, not a drug dealer, big difference. As I walked into the store, Cam, the shop owner, welcomed me.

"Hey, (Name), back again so soon? You came in here just this morning," said Cam.

I replied, "yeah, sorry. I need more Cesium from all the explosions."

Cam nodded and went into the back room of the store. They handed me a small container with a blue mark on the side. I smiled at Cam and took the can, paying for the Cesium.

"Thanks, Cam. I owe you one," I said to Cam, smiling ear to ear. Cam smiled back and shook their head.

"I can expect to see more of you, then, huh? Probably better than half those folks you fought against."

"Thanks, Cam. I'll see you later. I gotta get home before Mom realizes I'm here again."

Cam nods and watched me leave. I walk down the street, not in a rush to get anywhere. I didn't want to head home, so much shit would be waiting for me if I did.

I took the long way home, not bothering to answer my phone when Mom called. When I eventually did get home, Mom yelled and yelled until Dad came down to stop her. Dad then looked at me disappointedly. I smiled at him, a smug, shit eating grin.

"Tsk, when will you learn," he says before turning on his head and walking away, Mom in tow. I grunt a little and walk to my own room. I didn't want to deal with this shit today.

When I got to my room I flopped on my bed and slept the rest of the day away. And the next day, and the next.

Until my letter from UA arrived.

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