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"So, does this mean we're dating," I ask him.

He gives me a small smile, "if you want. Oh, yeah!"

Todoroki leans down and goes into his bag. He pulls out some familiar cat ears.

I gasp, "you didn't!"

He nods and stand up again before holding the little cat from the cat place out to me. He states, "I think this is yours."

I grab the kitty and hug her.

"Shery," I whisper into her fur before sneezing. "Ugh, when did she get so dusty?"

Todoroki looks into his bag and sighs. I laugh at the scene and watch as Todoroki's face twists into confusion.

"What," he asks.

"Nothing, nothing. Just the sigh was hilarious," I respond.

"The sigh?"

He sighs again and looks confused as he does and I laugh again. He sighs but this time, at me. Instead of laughing harder, I wheeze once and go back to snuggling Shery.

"Who's a good kitty," I ask Shery. "Who's a good—."

"Uh, should I be jealous," Todoroki cuts me off.

I smile up at him and say, "of course not, Todoroki!"

"Ok... we should get going," he points out.

I nod, "yes, we should. Thank you for the cat, by the way. I'll be sure to take good care of her. I'll tell her the number 2 hero's son gave it to me!"

Todoroki smiles at me as I walk off and, after a while of walking, I can't see him anymore. I look down at Shery who sleeps peacefully in my arms.

My heart swoons as I think about Todoroki and his gift... and the fact that we're dating. Oh, shit! We're dating.

Me and Todoroki are dating. DATING. What do I do now? Do I text him? Do I talk to him? What do boyfriends and girlfriends do with each other?

Ah! I wouldn't know. I've never dated anyone before, I've been too focused on my studies and academics.

I should ask mom. Wait, no, I shouldn't ask mom. I should ask Cam. But Cam would make fun of me and Cam doesn't really give good advice.

I'll ask Cam anyway.

"Hey, Cam," I yell out after getting to their store. "I need advice."

"Oh, no," I hear Cam yell back. "What'd you get yourself into this time?"

"Nothing bad, I swear!"

"That's what you said after you blew up your bag!"

"Ok, but listen—."

Cam laughed and walked out form the back of the store, "yeah, yeah. It's really nothing bad this time! What happened?"

"Well, you see... I might maybe be dating someone now and don't know what to do," I say very quickly.

Cam gasps, "dating someone?! Also what's with the cat?"

I roll my eyes, "the cat was given to me from this person. And it's Todoroki!"

"Todoroki? You mean that boy you're always swooning over? You sit next to him in class? He's got red and white ha—."

"Scary how much you know about him. How do you know him this well?"

"I may or may not have been friends with Endeavors wife for a while."

"His wife?!"

"Yeah, no biggie. We aren't friends now, sadly. She was a good friend."

"Okay... anyways, what do I do?"

"Well, you've gotta talk to him," Cam points out.

I groan, "but do I have to?"

"Yes. Now go. I've got work to do."

"You're no fun and no help."

"You're welcome!"

Cam shoved me out of their store and I start to walk home. I pet Shery as I think.

I manage to get into my home undetected and got up to my room door. I hear shuffling from inside and almost screamed when the door burst open.

"Sh, sh, shhhh," someone shushed me. I see some person I don't know standing there. "Where's your mom and dad?"

The man has dark hair and skin taped? Stitched? Yeah, stitched into himself. He looks rather disturbing.

I pause and gulp. Do I tell him? I mean, I have no trouble telling him where my parents are but I don't want to be charged with helping a murderer.

"I'm not here to hurt them, or you. I just want to talk. But if you don't tell me where they are then I will kill you and then kill them," he adds.

My mind changes and I stutter out, "t-they're just down the hall. I'll show— show you."

I start walking down the hall with the guy following me. I try to not stumble in the dark and, after walking for a small bit, we're standing in front of the door.

"Uh, here you go. I'll just leave you guys to it," I say before moving to leave. The guy blocks my way but then thinks for a bit.

"Might as well. It shouldn't affect you... for now," he says before letting me pass.

I feel my heart skip a beat in fear. For now? What the hell does he mean for now? They better not think of doing anything. I hope they aren't.

I walk down the hall and hear him knock on my parents door. A few muffled footsteps then the freak of their door.

"What the fu—," everything else gets muffled.

I feel the urge to turn around but choose not to. Instead, I continue into my room and close the door behind me.

I hear a giggle and a, "good job," come from outside my window but I ignore it. I don't know what happened and though I'm terrified, I don't know if I want to know.

I let Shery down and crawl into bed. I lay my head on the pillow and close my eyes. I didn't know what to do, what to think.

So I laid there with a swirling head. After a few minutes, I fell asleep, the mans words echoing in my ears.

"It shouldn't affect you... for now."

Work The Pain Away (Todoroki Shoto x reader)Where stories live. Discover now