Ch. 15

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Every time I saw fake Todoroki I smiled and laughed and had a good time. My brain felt fried and fake Todoroki was the one helping me.

I slowly started following for fake Todoroki. I was falling and falling. Falling hard.

And as I sat in my cell, waiting for fake Todoroki to come, my ears became fine tuned to the sounds outside.

I could hear anything I concentrated on. The shuffling of the guard outside? I could hear that.

The quiet cars driving by? I could definitely hear those.

So, when piano keys started playing a melody close to me, I knew it all too well.

Tears came to my eyes. It was the song playing in the background of the cat place. Some memories came back to me.

But feelings don't usually die that quickly. When the piano stopped, I remembered Todoroki and all my friends and UA.

And for a small moment I wished I didn't. For a small moment I wish that I wouldn't remember my lack of a quirk.

Fake Todoroki came in, saying, "you don't need a quirk to be special. It's one of the perks of being here! We know how special you are."

I felt appreciated. I felt useful. I felt as if I didn't need to get out. The others could wait just a bit longer for me, couldn't they?

I smiled at fake Todoroki but didn't say anything. It's a small habit I ended up picking up while here.

I didn't talk anymore. I stopped screaming for help and for someone to come save me. It was useless anyway, no one was coming for me.

I was sitting on the floor in the middle of the room. Fake Todoroki came and helped me up. This was something that also started after a while.

Everyday there would be piano and memories and feelings. Then fake Todoroki would come and bring me to the same colorful room as before and dance with me.

And I'd dance and dance with fake Todoroki. And the lines would blur and I was no longer with fake Todoroki, I would be with real Todoroki.

Sometimes we would talk, sometimes we wouldn't. But today felt different. I felt like I was buzzing with happiness and love.

When the song we were dancing to ended, I went for it. I kissed fake Todoroki. I felt him smile into the kiss.

I leaned in, he leaned in. I peaked my eyes but I didn't see Todoroki, I saw a girl. I realized that this wasn't actually Todoroki.

I pushed her off me and ran off. The door was unlocked and so were most of the other doors in the building.

Clearly, they weren't expecting me to figure this out. Clearly, they tricked me and it worked. Clearly, I was going to get out of here.

I heard footsteps behind me. They were busting through doors and almost knocking me down.

There was a door with light seeping through the bottom of it. I ran as fast as I could towards it.

I heard a voice call out, "shoot her down!"

It was the girl I kissed. The girl who pretended to be Todoroki. The girl who tricked me good and got me stuck here, in my own mind.

I ran and tried to go zig-zag and jump to dodge whatever bullets they wanted to throw- or shoot- at me.

Unfortunately, after not working out for so long, my energy went down fast. It wasn't long when I had to just run straight again.

I had my hand on the doorknob when a bullet came straight through my leg. It wounded me and I cried out.

But I didn't stop. I continued to open the door, continuing to call out in pain. When I got the door open, I limped out and fell into crowds and crowds of people.

I looked back at the people chasing me before and they didn't leave the building. The gun remained pointed at me but I wasn't being shot.

The door shut behind me, closing with a loud bang. That got people's attention. Gasps and screams were heard.

The bleeding was getting to me and the loud noises weren't helping. My vision was blurring and my eyes were tearing up.

I tried to stand and when that didn't work, I just shuffled back. I looked around at the people, wondering which would hurt me and which wouldn't.

"Call the police!"

"Get her to the hospital!"

"Someone help her!"

I closed my eyes and out my hands over my ears. I rocked back and forth and used all my leftover energy on trying to calm myself down.

A touch on my shoulder not only scared my but made me gasp. I shoved myself away from the person.

I opened my eyes and looked. It was a familiar face. It was Todoroki. I tried to get farther and farther away.

In my last few seconds I heard him ask, "what happened to you? Are you okay?"

And I screamed back, "get away from me! I won't let you trick me anymore!"

And I passed out, my last sight being his hurt and worried face.

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