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Recovery Girl quickly healed me and told me to stay with her for a little while. She was busy telling me about how I should be more careful with chemicals when we heard the final bell ring. The bell that told everyone that the day was over.

I apologized to Recovery Girl before telling her I would have to go. She nodded and let me leave with my backpack and bag. As I stepped out of the school I felt a hand grab my shoulder. It was one of the girls. Ochaco Uraraka.

She smiled and asked, "are you okay? I heard that you got hurt because of your quirk."

Thank god she thinks it's a quirk that hurt me. I smile at her and respond, "I'm okay now, thanks for asking."

"No problem," she chirped. "Which way do you walk? We can walk together!"

"Oh! Uhm, I go this way," I point in the direction of my house. Uraraka smiled widely.

"Really? I walk that way too. We can walk together!"

"Ha, ha. Okay. Let's get going."

I didn't have the heart to tell her that I didn't want to walk with her. I kept my mouth shut and sucked it up.

While walking I saw Todoroki walking a bit behind us. Uraraka seemed to see him as well. She called out to him, asking him to walk with us. He complied and he soon fell in step with Uraraka and I.

I cringed as Uraraka talked about how cool and powerful Todoroki's quirk was. I didn't want to subject of quirks to be brought up in small crowds. It would be easier to single me out that way.

I looked for my quickest way to change the subject before the question of what quirk I had was popped.

"So, (Name), what's your quirk," Uraraka asked me.

I hesitated before responding, "I, uhh, I'm able to make different chemicals and stuff. But it requires a lot of energy so I don't do it in front of people."

I was lying through my teeth but it wasn't like I could just tell them. I'd be ridiculed, bullied. Or worse, kicked out of class 1-A. I silently shook my head. I wouldn't let my secret out.

Uraraka seemed to buy my lie but Todoroki doesn't seem to convinced. I nervously look away from bother of them and turn all my attention on the sidewalk. Sidewalks are pretty interesting, right?

Then I was pulled out of my thoughts by Uraraka saying that the house we had just passed was hers. I said bye and so did Todoroki.

After Uraraka was gone inside the house, me and Todoroki continued walking. In silence. As the sun was setting because houses are far, man. I nervously looked at Todoroki. He looked to be thinking.

"Why'd you lie," he asked me. I did a double take.


"To Uraraka. About your quirk. If it isn't something good then you don't have to say anything."

I chuckled a little, "yeah, my quirk just really isn't cool so I didn't want to tell."

"That makes sense."

We fall back into silence before I realize that I missed the bus stop. I'm supposed to take a bus home because I live in the bad neighborhood, which is farrrr away from school.

I glanced at Todoroki, who doesn't see my panic. I tell him, "I accidentally missed my stop so I'm going to have to turn around and go back."

Todoroki nodded, "I'll walk you home."

I shook my head very quickly, "no, no, no. It's alright. I have to go pretty far so I wouldn't want to inconvenience you."

"Nonsense. It would be worse if me to leave a girl all alone as night approaches."

So that's how me and Todoroki ended up walking to the bus stop together. I was nervous the entire time.

"Uhm, you can go home now if you want. I have to stop at a store on the way home so I-."

"(Name), I said I would walk you home. I'm not going to go against my word."

When the bus came to a stop I walked off to the chemical store. Sure, I didn't really need to go anywhere but there are no other stores around and I don't want to break my slight trust.

As I walk into the store and Cam immediately came and hugged me. I smiled into their chest, "hey, Cam."

"(Name), oh my gosh! Your parents are so mad. They don't know where you are and I thought they'd found you," Cam gushed out.

"Mad? Cam, I'll be fine." Cam shot me a look. "Besides, I have a friend walking me home."

Cam gets the hint and lets go of me, "well then, hi, (Name)'s friend. I'm Cam, also known as Camden. Strange name, I know."

Todoroki stuck his hand out to shake. Cam took it.

"Oh, what manners. (Name), you've got a good friend here. Parents would be proud."

"Since when," I asked jokingly, almost on instinct. Then I realized Todoroki was there and I had an internal freak out. "Anyway, I need some paint spray. My walls are getting bland," I said to Cam.

Cam got the hint again and went to the back room to get the can. Todoroki turned to me after Cam walked off.

"Your parents, huh," he asked.

"They're a real stickler of the rules," I responded.

"Don't worry, I know what it's like to have bad parents," his face held a small scowl. Talking about his parents really dampened his mood.

I didn't want to talk about my parents either. I rubbed my neck sheepishly. I wanted to change the subject but I didn't know how.

"Here's the paint, (Name). See you later. Get home, would you," Cam saved me. I mentally thanked them.

"Well, I gotta go home. You should probably go home too, Todoroki," I said to Todoroki.

He nodded and I watched as he told Cam to get me home. I stared at him as he left, a small smile playing on my lips.

"'Make sure (Name) gets home okay?' Quite a gentleman," Cam says, teasingly.

"Get me home, Cam, get me home."

Work The Pain Away (Todoroki Shoto x reader)Where stories live. Discover now