Crash In Love...

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Aaron's POV

She just healed one of my bruises... i have only heard about this once in some books about Irene's history... "A-Aph... Did you just--" "SHUT UP! I DIDN'T! I DID NOT!!!!!!!" she yelled. "Aph... Your chest..." i didn't know what to say... she looked down to see her chest glowing. "What am i?" she asked looking back at me. i didn't know... what could i say?'oh yeah your Irene's descendant'? like she would believe that... eh worth a try. "You might be... a descendant of Irene... the glowing might be her relic..." i could tell she was shocked by my words. "a descendant of... Irene?" she said. i nodded. "Isn't her healing powered by true love of any kind... like friendship... admiration... affection... ect?" she asked. "You have been paying attention in class!" i joked. "I Remember... when i was a child... i saw the figure of a woman standing above my crib... and a flash of light... when the light went away the woman was gone..." She told me. i was shocked... she trusted me enough to tell me that... maybe i should trust her... "I am an ultima..." i blurted out. she looked at me and held my arm. "I Know..." She smiled. "Wha? How--" You are stronger than any werewolf i have ever met, you're defensive, plus every werewolf in school is saying you marked me. i'm pretty sure that is a werewolf thing." she smiled. She was smarter than i thought. "Now... CAN WE PLEASE FIGURE OUT THIS WHOLE IRENE THING!?" she asked i chuckled and nodded.

A Few Hours Later...

after research we found out that woman Aph saw above her crib was Irene, The light was Irene transferring her relic into Aph. "I can't believe i have Irene's relic in me..." she looked down. I Lifted her chin. "Ya know... You healed me... and Irene's healing is triggered by True Love~" i joked. "Yeah it is..." She said. She grabbed my shirt and gave me a quick kiss shocking me. "Just...Don't get your hopes up... you're still scary" she told me. "a scary good kisser!"I Joked trying to lighten the mood. "Keep tellin yourself that..." she smiled. i growled playfully. "Aww is puppy upset? Sorry you slobber to much for me!" she did a sassy hair flip. we both started laughing.

Aphmau's POV

we both joked around for hours on end. once it was time to leave he drove me home. we were still joking as if we were old friends... it was nice. "Ya know... you are so beautiful..." He told me... "Nice joke..." i responded. he placed his hand on my leg. "Don't say that..." He told me. "AARON CAR!!" I Yelled as a car rammed into my side of the car.

A Few Hours Later...

I Woke up with a stabbing pain in my side... "Aaron...? Are you okay?" I Asked waiting for answer. i didn't hear a response so i looked to Aaron's side of the car... he was passed out... i saw blood... everywhere... i reached for my phone but no matter how i moved it hurt... "GAH!" I yelled in pain. i saw Aaron snap up in the sound of my scream. "APH!" he yelled. "Aaron... it hurts..." I Pointed to my side. his eyes widened. "DON'T MOVE!" He yelled to me... i looked to my side... there was a piece of metal stuck in my side. "Aaron..." I Said fading into darkness...

"APHMAU!!!" i heard Aaron yell before passing out

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"APHMAU!!!" i heard Aaron yell before passing out.

A Few Months Later...

i woke up... my side still in pain... all i could see were bright lights... i could feel someone holding my hand tight... "Aphmau? Aphmau!" i heard a faint noise... "Huh? Who--" i saw him..."AARON!!!" I Yelled wrapping my arms around his neck pulling him down to hug me. "APH! You're okay! you've been out for months... i thought i lost you..." He said. "You can't get rid of me that easily..." I Groaned in pain. "Damn it. i thought i finally got rid of you..." he chuckled. "Nope..." I Said. "It... Hurts... Alot..." I Groaned. "I Know..." he said staring at my side... i looked at my waist. "Hey... Atleast i still look fuckin cute..." I Giggled. he nodded. i stared at him. "Why are you healed?" I Asked. "Before you passed out you healed me... not completely but enough" He told me. "Good... Atleast you're okay--" "No! You wasted your energy! I Didn't deserve to be healed!" He interrupted me. suddenly i found my side inflamed. "GAH!!!!" I Yelled out. "Aph!? What is happening!?" He asked worried. "GET ME A FUCKING DOCTOR!!!!!!!" I Yelled. he nodded frantically. he ran out of the room to find a doctor leaving me in pain. i gritted my teeth, rubbed my injury, arched my back. i felt like i was going to pull my hair out. Aaron returned with a doctor. i arched my back in pain. "Okay sweetie i'm going to need you to relax--" "RELAX!? YOU WANT ME TO FUCKING RELAX!?" i yelled painfully. "Yes sweetie this is only going to work if you are completely relaxed." She told me. I Tried to relax flattening my back so that it is on the bed, and stopped gritting my teeth. "THAT IS AS GOOD AS IT'S GONNA GET!" i yelled at her. she instantly stabbed me with a needle where my wound was. "RAHHH!!!" i yelled. Aaron grabbed my hand tight. i looked at him eyes full of pain. "AARON!!" I Yelled towards Aaron. his grip tightened. "It's okay..." He told me. i nodded and tried to relax as much as i could. i ended up passing out from the drugs. i woke up a few hours later Aaron still next to me holding my hand but this time... My mom was there smiling at me... "Hi mija... How are you feeling?" she asked me. i pulled up my gown and showed her the bandages. "Perfect." I Said sarcastically. "Mija... Aaron told me everything... I Am so sorry this happened to you..." She told me. i smiled. "You couldn't have done anything..." I Told her.

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