All I Feel Is Pain...

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The Next Day...

Aaron's POV

I Woke up to screams... i was on the couch... Why? Then i remembered... I Bit Aph... I Ran to the bedroom To see Aph... "A-APH! W-What do you need!?" I Asked. "F-Food... I'm really HUNGRY" She grunted in pain. I Nodded and left to get her food. i quickly put some milk and cereal in a bowl and brought it to her. i spoon fed her. after one or two spoonfuls she pushed it away. "NOPE It hurts..." She told me. i set the food on the nightstand and took out my phone. "What are you doing...?" She asked. "Calling someone that can help... But you can't tell them what is wrong. Okay?" I Told her. She nodded. so i called someone and they came. "Aphmau~Senpai!" Kawaii~Chan Came. i thought she could use some positive vibes... A Small smile grew on Aphmau's face. "K-Kawaii~Chan brought Aphmau~Senpai some soup made with extra love!" Kawaii~Chan handed Aphmau the soup.

Kawaii~Chan's POV

(I Am not gonna do third person for her except for when she talks!) I Could tell Aphmau~Senpai was in pain... i didn't know why but all i knew was she was very sick. "K-Kawaii~CHAN... What are you doing HERE!?" She asked me. "Aaron~Kun called me to help you feel better!" I Told her. Aphmau~Senpai's gaze glided over to Aaron~Kun. He shrugged his shoulders. i reached over and grabbed the TV Remote. "Does Aphmau~Senpai want to watch TV?" i asked. she nodded and attempted to sit up. "H-Here! Let Kawaii~Chan help!" I Insisted. i ran to Aphmau and helped her sit up. "Thank you..." She groaned in pain. i sat on the bed with her and turned on the TV. "What does Aphmau~Senpai want to watch?" I Asked. "Hailey the witch's just desserts...?" She said. "Ooh! Kawaii~Chan loves that show!" I Told her turning on the show.

Aphmau's POV

Yeah i was in pain... but it was nice to be with Kawaii~Chan for a few hours... We just sat around for a few hours and watched TV. "Is Aphmau~Senpai hungry? Kawaii~Chan can go get her some soup!" She asked. i nodded and she left to go get some soup. when she came back she looked at me and dropped the soup. "W-W-WHAT HAPPENED TO APHMAU~SENPAI'S  NECK!?!?" She asked realizing my bite mark. Aaron came running in at her words. "Uhh... Oh No! You dropped the soup! You should go get more!" i made up a sentence. "What happened!? Why is there a bite mark on Aphmau~Senpai's neck!?" She asked in a freaked out tone."I... Uh... We... I... Umm..." I Didn't know what to say... Then a spark of inspiration hit me. "I Was robbed by a werewolf! and uh... I Resisted and he bit me to make me let go... YEAH THAT!" I Told her. "That's horrible Aphmau~Senpai! That must be why you have been in so much pain... Oh! Did Kawaii~Chan make this mess!? She is so sorry! She will go get a mop!"

A Few Hours Later...

Kawaii~Chan had to leave, It was getting dark... i felt better being able to cry and scream... When she was here i had to hold it in... "Aph? Do you need anything?" Aaron asked me. "No... It hurts to much to do anything..." I Groaned in pain. He nodded and got in bed next to me. we both went to sleep.

The Next Day...

I Woke up in pain... But not as much as i was in yesterday... Aaron was in the kitchen probably making breakfast. I Felt like i could walk around so i got up. I Walked slowly to the Kitchen and sat at the table... i stumbled slightly making a small clatter. "Guh... Stupid legs..." I Mumbled to myself. At the sound Aaron turned to face the table. "A-Aph! W-What are you doing out of bed!?" He stuttered. "I'm hungry..." I Told him. "Food is almost done... Wait no... They are done!" he told me bringing me a plate of pancakes. i started eating, i stopped. "Am... i a werewolf?" I Asked Aaron. his cheeks turned red as he nodded. "Are they normal? Like... A Normal werewolf ears and tail?" I Asked. He nodded. "Well your Tail is curled up... And your Ears are small but that just because you are not done transforming." He informed me. i nodded and kept eating.

(Just cuz)

(Just cuz)

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"Wait... What about school!?" i asked. "Just say you like the costume. Simple!" He told me. i nodded unsure if that was going to work... but i trusted him... i chose an outfit with a beanie, Leather jacket, Gray crop top, Army boots, and a skirt with leggings...

 i chose an outfit with a beanie, Leather jacket, Gray crop top, Army boots, and a skirt with leggings

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I Was just hoping the beanie would cover my ears... i did some simple eyeliner and lip gloss i thought would go with my outfit.

 i did some simple eyeliner and lip gloss i thought would go with my outfit

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i walked out of the bedroom. "Ready to go..." I Told him. he nodded and we both left to school.

A Few Minutes Later...

I Arrived at school, my bones still aching. "Aphmau~Senpai! Are you feeling better?" Kawaii~Chan asked running to me. i nodded. "I Think it was the soup!" I Lied. Kawaii~Chan smiled. "Come on! I'm sure Lucinda~Chan, Katelyn~Sama, and Cadenza~Chan will be happy to see you!" She told me. i nodded and followed her to the girls. as i was walking through the halls all the boys were looking at my tail and whistling... "Don't worry! They know it's fake!" Kawaii~Chan assured me. i nodded and continued following her. once we got to the group of three the girls stared at my tail. "I-I-I-It's fake!" I Told them with a blush on my cheeks from embarrassment. The girls chuckled. "We know..." They all said in sync. i felt a hand caress my tail... I Turned in shock. "W-What the fuck are you doing!?" i asked. "Ooh... Kitty got claws..." Gene said. "What the fuck do you want Gene!?" I Asked in a pissed off voice. "Hmm Follow me..." He told me grabbing my wrist and walking off. "LET GO!" I Yelled throughout the school. i pulled his hand off of my wrist. "Ow! How did you...? i was holding on tight--" "I Guess you need to workout more..." I Told him trying to cover up. i turned to leave but Gene grabbed my tail tight and tugged... "RaH" I Whimpered loud in pain. "IT'S REAL!?" He yelled. i turned and covered his mouth. "Uh Potion..." I Covered up for myself and Aaron. He pushed my hand off of his mouth. "Still follow me!" He told me. i rolled my eyes but followed him. we went around a corner and he turned to me. he pulled me closer and kissed me. "LET GO!!" I Yelled pushing him away. Aaron heard me and came running. "Dude! What are you doing!?" He asked Gene. Gene punched Aaron. "Do I Have to do everything myself?"I Rolled my eyes. I Took Gene by his collar and slammed him into a locker. "Touch me... Look at me... Talk to me... I Will murder you... Got it!?" I Asked. At this point there was a crowd surrounding us. He nodded frantically and i let him go. As he scurried off Aaron pulled me to a different room. "You can't do that! People will start to get suspicious!" Aaron told me. "Why!? You saw what i did to Laurence when i was human!" i told him. "You just can't! Okay!?" He yelled at me. i nodded but i still felt a few tears fall from my eyes... 

(Why do these always get so long!? *SIGH* Oh well! I Hope you enjoyed!!)

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