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Aaron's POV

I Couldn't believe it... Aph was pregnant!? Was... i ready to be a dad? It was all so confusing! "Wait wait wait... You had a dream... About a little girl... named Alina? And... She was our daughter... Can... You show me?" I Asked. "I'll try..." She assured me. she leaned in and kissed me revealing so much... Hospital... Loud Voices... Little girl... Alina... Me... Aphmau... The little girl... she had ears and a tail... With red tips like mine... And hazel eyes like Aphmau... She instantly pulled away yelling... "GAH! UGH I CAN'T!!" She yelled. i grabbed her shoulders in worry. "Babe! It's okay! I Saw everything! Stop trying!!" I Yelled. She nodded and rested her head on my chest.

A Few Weeks Later...

Aphmau's water broke and we are rushing her to the hospital... "GAHH HURRY!!!" She yelled in pain. i jumped out of the car and got Aphmau. "There is traffic! We would be faster if i carried you!" I Told her. she nodded, i picked her up, And started running to make it in time. Once we got there they immediately took her in and started asking me questions. "Has she had kids before? Is she a werewolf of any kind? Had any childhood problems?" The doctors asked. "No kids... She is a werewolf, And not that i know of..." The doctors nodded in response and ttok notes as they left. i ran to her side where she squeezed my hand as she gave birth. i couldn't help but look away, WAYY to much blood... "GAHHH URGH GAH" She pushed. "It's crowning!!" The doctors yelled. "Just a few more big pushes!" One of the doctors yelled. Aph nodded and continued. "GAAHHHH... GGAAAAHHHHHH!!!" She pushed. as she pushed she squeezed my hand tighter than before. "One more!!" The doctor yelled and Aphmau pushed. A Few seconds later we heard crying, i cut the cord and we got to hold the baby! "What do you want to name her Aph?" I Asked. "Alina... Like in my dream..." She said. "That is a beautiful name sweety..." I Assured her brushing a hair from her face. She smiled and cradled little Alina in her warm arms... Out of nowhere the little werewolf turned into her wolf form.

 Out of nowhere the little werewolf turned into her wolf form

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Our eyes widened at the little wolf appearance... She had angel like wings with purple markings... We laughed and Aph pulled her closer. "GIMME GIMME!!" I Shouted. she giggled but handed me Alina. "But first... LEMME TAKE A SELFIE!" I Yelled pulling out my phone and taking a photo of the three of us. "My little Woof..." I Said staring into Alina's eyes. "Goo He-he" Alina giggled. I Tickled her stomach and she bursted out laughing. Me and Aph started laughing at her reaction... She was perfect...

Five Years Later...

Aphmau's POV

I'm pregnant again... And little Alina is five now! She can control her forms now but chooses the half wolf half human form. Alina's best friend is a little boy named Oliver, He is Lucinda and Laurence's kid... He is so precious! If i had any ideas i would think she had a crush on him! Lucinda knows about me and Aaron's werewolf situation so she helps us hide it. It was morning so i got changed and made breakfast. All i wore was a gray sweater and yoga pants.

 All i wore was a gray sweater and yoga pants

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Alina walked up to me and tugged on my shirt. "Hey sweety" I Said. "Mommy i'm hungry!" She told me. i stopped making breakfast for a second and got a banana. "This will help until breakfast is ready!" I Assured her, she smiled and took it from my hand as she walked off. I Smiled and went back to cooking. Once i was done i took the food and sat it on the table. "Alina! Breakfast!" I Yelled. I Suddenly felt a sharp pain in my chest. "ALINA!" I Yelled. all i heard was giggling from Alina's bedroom. "ALINA!!!" I Yelled in pain. All of a sudden the giggling stopped and it turned into the sound of fast steps. "Mommy? Mommy! MOMMY!! ARE YOU OKAY!?" She asked me. I Took my cell from my pocket and handed it to Alina. "Call... 911... And then your father... Okay?" I Groaned in pain. Alina quickly nodded and called the police. "911 what is your emergency?" The dispatcher asked. "My Mommy hurts! She fell and she told me to call you!" She told them. "Okay sweetheart... Can i talkto your mommy?" The dispatcher asked. "No She can't talk much!" She told them. "Okay sweety... Is there a specific area she is holding?" They asked. "Y-Yeah! She is pointing to her heart!" Alina told them. "Okay... Stay on the phone we are on our way... Keep telling me what is going on..." "She looks dizzy! She is starting to fall!!" She yelled as she dropped the phone to run to my side.

Dispatcher POV

I Heard the phone drop and it was followed by a howl... "SHE FELL!!!!!!" The little girl yelled. "Okay sweety! We will try our hardest to get there quick!" I Told her. "What is your name sweety?" I Asked. "A-Alina... Alina Lycan ma'am..." She told me. "Y-You are a Lycan!? We are almost there Alina! Stay on the phone--" "No! I Have to call my daddy!!" She insisted. "CALL HIM LATER! THIS IS IMPORTANT--" "I AM ALINA MARIE LYCAN! YOU WILL TREAT ME WITH RESPECT! MY MOMMY IS IN DANGER AND I HAVE TO CALL MY DADDY!!!" She insisted. "NO YOU CAN NOT CALL YOUR DAD!" "THIS IS THE POLICE OPEN UP!!!" I heard a swooshing sound followed by growling... This little girl is a werewolf! "I... AM... A LYCAN!! A DESCENDANT OF IRENE HERSELF! YOU DO NOT TALK TO ME WITHOUT RESPECT!" The girl yelled. "Irene has nothing to do with the Lycans!" I Told her. "You're right... it has something to do with my mommy!" I Was shocked... Her mom had the relic? "Alina i need you to open that door and let those men in!" i told her. "No" I Heard her say bluntly. "I Will take her myself!" i heard her hang up.

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