Just For You...

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Lucinda's POV

I Ran to Aphmau worried... The other girls followed. "Aphmau! What happened?? Are you okay??" I Asked in a worried tone. i noticed her hair was undone... and her clothes were rustled up... "Oh! Sweety your hair! Come ill help!" I Told her. she nodded and followed. the other girls stayed back and i helped Aphmau... We entered the bathroom and i started doing her hair... "What happened?" i asked as i brushed through her hair... "I... I Couldn't stand being away from him..." she told me. "So i kissed him and... When i finally stopped myself... he got angry..." She told me. i dropped the hairbrush at her words. "What did he do?" I Asked worried. "He just yelled... He said: YOU Started that! YOU Said yes to US! YOU NEED To except that..." She told me. i walked in front of her and brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Sweety... It's obvious you still love him... I Think you have to talk to him about this... Before you don't have a chance..." I Told her looking down. she smiled and hugged me. "Okay... I'll do it once you are done with my hair... Just for you..." She promised. i smiled and continued doing her hair.

Aphmau's POV

 I Knew my feelings... i just wanted to avoid them... As much as i could... After school i walked outside and spotted Aaron Talking to the girl i saw with him yesterday... I Didn't hear anything but it looked like they were flirting... I Felt my blood boil at the thought... so i walked over. "Hi there! Good to see you again!" I Turned to the girl. Her expression grew into fear. i grabbed her shoulder. "I... Am really sorry... i let my emotions get the best of me... i hope you can find a way to forgive me..." I Said sincerely. she calmed down a little but then left... i patted Aaron's shoulder and started to leave. "Aph... Wait" He said grabbing my shoulder. i turned to see his eyes filled with sympathy. "Um... First of all... Celeste has been missing you... Alot..." He chuckled. i giggled in response. "And... Second... i am really sorry for earlier... I Was just so happy and i didn't want to let you go..." "You never did Aaron... I Left and i shouldn't have... Aaron... We belong together... While we were apart... I Couldn't stand it..." I Assured him. he pulled me into a hug. "I... Don't think i can come home yet but... We can talk... At school,On the phone, All that stuff!" I Smiled. He nodded. "I... I Don't deserve your forgiveness... But thank you..." He thanked me. "Your right! You don't deserve my forgiveness... But that's okay! I Still forgive you..." I Told him. I Felt a hand get placed on my shoulder so i turned to see Lucinda And Laurence. "Lucinda! Laurence...?" "Wooww... I Exist as well!" He joked. I Ran and hugged him. "I Missed being your friend..." I Told him. He slowly hugged back. "Okayy... We are hugging..." He said in an uncomfortable tone. "We... Are kinda back together... But he just wont ALWAYS be helping out with the baby!" Lucinda Told me. "BABY!? Lucinda your!--" "Yup! Hehe" Lucinda chuckled interrupting Aaron. i quickly pulled out of the hug with Laurence with an excited expression. "Oh Lucinda~~" I Sang. Her expression grew from happy to afraid... "Yes...?" She asked in a confused tone. "Who is gonna be its babysitter~~?" I Asked. "I... Uh um... You want to babysit don't you?" She sighed. "YES!!" I Yelled. Everyone chuckled. "Congrats Lucinda!" Aaron said. "Ready to go?" I Asked Lucinda. she nodded and we left with Laurence following, I Sent Aaron one final wave before we got in the car.

Aaron's POV

I Was upset she didn't want to come home yet but i knew it was for the best... Once i got home i began making dinner... Her favorite... Tacos... It's funny out of all the food she could have liked it was tacos... The only Italian food i can make! I Decided to make them and go over to Lucinda's and share the food. Once i arrived i knocked on the door and APHMAU Answered!? "Oh... Hey Aaron!" She smiled. "Um... I Brought some taco's... If you want them" I Told her. She quickly took the container from my hand. "My Precious..." She joked. "Hehe Come in!" She insisted. i nodded and followed her upstairs. "Where is Lucinda and Laurence?" I Asked. as if just on time i heard a small moan come from upstairs. "Ohhh... *Ahem* Shall we eat?" I Asked. she chuckle and nodded taking out the tacos. we ate for a few minutes in an awkward silence... All we could hear was Lucinda's moans... "WE SHOULD TALK!" I Yelled interrupting the silence. Aphmau nodded frantic... After my yell we heard the two upstairs laughing. Luckily Lucinda is pregnant so they couldn't have been having sex. "Sooo TACOS!" I Yelled trying to find something to talk about. "Yeah... Tacos... *Ahem* Can i come home now?" I Laughed at her words. "Anytime..." I Assured her with a smirk plastered on my face. she chuckled and started writing a note. "What are you writing?" I Asked. "Oh ya know telling them where i am going! They might worry..." "Heh I Don't think they will have time to worry!" I Joked we both laughed and she finished up her note before leaving... It felt great to be together again...

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