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Aaron's POV

i snuck up behind her and got on one knee... i pulled out a silver ring in the shape of a heart...

 i pulled out a silver ring in the shape of a heart

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i tapped her shoulder and she turned to me. i held the ring in my hand and raised it up to her. "Aphmau... I Love you with all of my heart... and i know... im 'scary' but... i would never ever hurt you... not on purpose..." I Paused. Aphmau's eyes were full of tears. "Aphmau... Will you marry me?" I Proposed. tears were streaming from her eyes. "Time... it's all we have these days... and i want to spend the rest of the time i have left... with you..." i told her. she nodded holding Celestia tight to her chest. i grabbed one of her hands and stood up. "I'm glad you said yes... this ring wasn't cheap..." I Chuckled slipping the ring onto her finger. "It's beautiful..." She said. "Just like you..." I Responded. she chuckled. "You got soft ever since i've been in the hospital... haven't you?" she chuckled. i nodded.

Aphmau's POV

Aaron had just proposed... i know we met THIS Year but... i knew i loved him... he was always by my side while i was in the hospital... i could heal him with my relic... I Knew i loved him... with all of my heart... The whole car ride i was staring at the beautiful ring. "You really like that thing huh?" Aaron said glancing over to my side of the car. 
"Heh... Yeah It really is beautiful..." I was in awe of the ring.

A Few Minutes Later...

We arrived at my house... "What will my mom say?" i asked. "Probably something like *Sylvanna impression* OH MIJA NOOOOO I WILL LOSE MY BABY GIRL TO A BASTARD LIKE HIM! NOOOOO *Regular voice* Haha!" We both started laughing. "If she does ill tell her you are a werewolf... she loves them!" i giggled. "Good plan!" He told me. we went inside the house and were welcomed by my mom. "OH MIJA!! YOU'RE HOME!!!!" She Yelled excited. "Mom... I Got engaged... To Aaron!" I Blurted out. her face went from happy to blank and then angry in seconds. "HIM!? OH MIJA NOOOO HE'S A HORRIBLE PERSON!"  we both laughed. "Mom~ He's a werewolf~" Aaron plopped on ears and a tail. "Tada~" Aaron added. my moms eyes grew big. "AWWWWW" Aaron did puppy eyes and everything. "AWW MIJA! HE'S SO CUUUTTTTEEEE!!!" She yelled. we both chuckled. "Told ya!" i whispered. while my mom was admiring Aaron werewolf ears and tail i ran to unpack my bag.

Aaron's POV

Aphmau's mom was touching my ears... alot... it hurt yeah but as long as she didn't hate me... "OW That kinda hurts..." I Told her. "Sorry! I Just couldn't help myself!" She told me. i chuckled. "I'm gonna go help Aph unpack..." I Told her. she nodded as i walked up the stairs. i walked up to find Aph in a completely different outfit. it was a short black dress with spaghetti thin straps.

 it was a short black dress with spaghetti thin straps

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"Hey Aaron..." she said putting one hand on my shoulder. "Y-You changed..." I Blushed. "Yeah i did... You like it? It's new..." She asked seductively. "It's hot... i like it..." I Said. i grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. "Ooh" She chuckled. i brought her into a deep kiss and she kissed back. "Mm You were right... you are a scary good kisser..." She chuckled against my lips. "Told ya..." I Said pulling away. "Noo don't leave me!" She joked. "I Can hear your mom coming upstairs... we should pretend we were unpacking the whole time." I Joked giving her another quick kiss. and we went to unpacking. "Mija what is going on? I Heard giggling!" She asked. we both started laughing. "Giggling isn't a crime mom!" Aphmau told her mom. "IT IS IN MY BOOK! NOW WHY WERE YOU GIGGLING!?" She snapped. "Jeesh mom Aaron told a joke... ya know... the werewolf~" Aph tried to trick her. "Mija... That is not gonna work a second time!" She assured Aph. we both started laughing. "Are you sure~?~" I Joked wiggling my ears. "MMM SO... CUTE... NOOO STOP BEING ADORABLE!" She said. All three of us started laughing so loud i swore i felt the house shake. "Well at least i'm not ugly!" I Joked. "Well that isn't possible..." Aphmau joked. i saw her mom's eyebrows furrow. i tapped Aph and motioned in Sylvanna's direction.

Sylvanna's POV

I Will not lie that man puts me on edge no matter how i look at him... but he makes my mija happy...and if she's happy... im happy... "I'm sorry for being so harsh... i just don't want to lose my mija..." A Tear ran down my cheek. Aphmau ran tomy side and gave me a hug. "You will never ever lose me..." She promised me. i smiled at her words and nodded. "I'll leave now... i have a few errands to run so i'll probably be back in an hour" I Assured them. "That's PLENTY of time..." He joked mocking my words. i silently growled then left.

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