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Dottie's POV

I Could tell by her expression she wanted to crush my skull into a million pieces... I Understood after what happened... "You can crush me if you would like alpha! I Won't mind..." I Closed my eyes ready for pain to rush through me... But instead i felt a hand placed on my shoulder. "Nah! I'll pass!" She laughed. i was shocked... she wasn't mad? "Would you like to stay for dinner?" She asked. I Gave her a small nod.

Aaron's POV

I Wasn't expecting Aph to invite her for dinner but i was proud of her for... Leaving the past... In the past... Considering what happened i expected her to yell... Maybe even take up Dottie's offer... Even though her face had a smile... Deep in her soul... I Could tell that Dottie's presence brought her mental pain... I Was worried but i trusted her to control herself around Dottie. Just to help Aph out a bit i invited Lucinda as well just to make sure everything was going to go okay... Once i heard a knock on the door i ran to answer it, knowing it was Lucinda... "Hey Aaron!" She spoke. i gave an awkward smile and stepped to the side letting her in.

Eating Dinner...

"How's the food?" Aphmau asked. "It's great alpha!" Dottie exclaimed. A Small smile grew on Aphmau's face. "Thank you!" She thanked Dottie before eating again.

Aphmau's POV

Dottie was sweet but... She kept calling me alpha... As if nothing happened... It got me upset that Aaron invited her over but... I Had to control my temper... If i got upset my ears and tail might pop out... Lucinda still thinks it was just a potion affect... As i finished my plate i walked around collecting plates. "Thank you alpha!" The girl thanked me. "Don't call me that..." I Silently told her. She nodded slightly as i turned to put away the plates. (AKA Put them into the sink) I Walked to the living room to see Dottie sitting right next to Aaron practically leaning on him... I Felt my blood boil... I Tried my hardest to simmer down and it worked, but it still got on my nerves that she was sitting with him... i sat in a chair that i placed right next to him, He had his hand rested on the arm of the couch so i placed my hand on top of his. "I... I'm getting tired... I'm gonna head to bed..." I Told Aaron. I Kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to change into my pajamas, They were pink with words on it saying: I Can't Human Today...

 I Kissed him on the cheek and went upstairs to change into my pajamas, They were pink with words on it saying: I Can't Human Today

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As i got in bed i heard a door shut notifying me everyone left. I Simply tucked myself in and slowly drifted into sleep.

Dream Time...

Blood... Hospital...Bright Lights... Loud Voices... Fading into darkness... My Life flashing before my eyes... To OUR first moment... Our first time... Even our first kid... "Where am i...?" I Asked myself. I Felt a hand firmly holding mine, I Squeezed it knowing it was Aaron... As i felt my eyes roll to the back of my head i heard him yelling. "APHMAU! APHMAU DON'T YOU DARE LEAVE ME!!!" He yelled. After that all i heard was rapid beeping... Energy charges... And then... A Pain entering my throat... A Tube of some kind? Maybe... I Wasn't sure... A Few seconds later i heard a little girl crying... She was next to my bed... She traced my arm with her hand. "Why did you hurt yourself mommy? You can't leave us yet... Sissy isn't even here yet... Please... Don't go..." The little girl cried. Mommy? Was i a mom? The little girl left but ran back and began hugging me tight... Even though it hurt i forced my arms to hug her back. The girl jumped back in shock. "Mommy? Mommy! Mommy Can you hear me!?" The girl asked. "Please... If you can hear me... Grab my hand... Please?" She asked. she put her hand on mine and i squeezed. "Mommy! You can hear me! Please wake up! Please!! We need you mommy!" She cried. My body fought me but i opened my eyes and looked to the little girl... "Alina.... It's you..." I Groaned. Alina? How did i know her name? Why did i feel so connected to this girl? "Daddy!! Mommy is awake!!" She ran to the door and yelled. I Saw Aaron run in the room and to my side. "Sweety? What happened? How did she wake up?" He asked Alina. "I... I Hugged her... and she lifted her arms... and hugged me back! And then she squeezed my hand... really tight..." She told him. he instantly looked to me and touched my cheek. "I Knew you were tough..." He smiled. "I... Will ALWAYS Stay strong for you..." I Assured him. his smile grew wider as he hugged me. "I Love you sweety..." He smiled.

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