Chapter 1 ~ The Sacrifice

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Elena's POV

Klaus just killed my Aunt Jenna I know he's evil but he did it right in front of my eyes that's low even for him.
I've lost everyone and everything im cursed I just wish my family was able to get through this, I Don't know what to Do I can't leave Jeremy with out a good roll model like Jenna was.

I'm sitting on the ground with fire Surrounding me as I cry and see Stefan on the ground with a stake in his back.

I am heart broken I just want it to end at this point I don't even care if Eligha' Elixir works but if it does I will do anything to make Klaus sufferFor what he has done to my familyA couple minutes has past and As Stefan begins to wake up the fi...

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I am heart broken I just want it to end at this point I don't even care if Eligha' Elixir works but if it does I will do anything to make Klaus suffer
For what he has done to my family
A couple minutes has past and As Stefan begins to wake up the fire around me goes down, Klaus walks over to me and puts his hand out to take mine but when he does I just walk past him cause I can't stand the sight of him anymore, Even though he's hot... "Pun intended"
Anyway, As I walk up to the witch that was helping Klaus with the Sacrifice I looked and saw Klaus sad that I didn't take his hand and it made me wonder if he was capable of real feelings but after what he did to Jenna and everything he has done leading up to it I didn't care

Stefan looks at me as he sees me up by the witch and Klaus is walking up behind me, Stefan looks terrified but I try to wind him down by mumbling that I was going to be ok, But as I was doing this Klaus looked at us and Got really mad, I don't understand why.

"Are we ready for, The Sacrifice of the Doppelganger." The witch said looking at Klaus waiting for his answer

He took a minute and answered with "Yes, Let's just get it over with" As if he was dreading this moment i would have thought he couldn't wait for the taste of my blood

But as tears are still falling from my face he turns my head to face his face and Says "Thank You" As he looks me in the eyes

"Go to Hell" I said as he looks sad by that revelation

The witch begins to tell Klaus that the spell was ready for the sacrifice as he hears this his face lights up I know it's weird but it made me kind of happy to see him happy but after I stood there for a minute smiling I realized what it cost me for that happiness
Klaus let's go of my face and my body begins to face Stefan again as it once had before he turned me, he gets behind me and moves my hair out of the way which made me tingle as he touched my skin

He sinks his teeth in my neck it hurt so bad I can't explain it, He sucked every last drop of blood out of my body and I could feel the life drain out of me, Next thing I knew I was dead on the ground next to Jenna

He sinks his teeth in my neck it hurt so bad I can't explain it, He sucked every last drop of blood out of my body and I could feel the life drain out of me, Next thing I knew I was dead on the ground next to Jenna

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The Elixir had worked

As I woke up the next morning my worst fear has come to pass I now have no one to look over me or my brother Jeremy I can't believe this is happening, I just can't get through this funeral today but I have to be strong for my family what's left of it I mean.


I'm in my room getting dressed for Jenna's funeral when I hear a knock at my door I walk to open it and Jeremy is standing there I don't know what to say to him I can't ease his pain by the fact that Klaus killed our Aunt Jenna.

"Hey Elena I just want to say that everything's going to be okay" Jeremy says as he looks at Elena in the eyes trying to convince her that everything's going to be fine

"Hey that's my line, I just want to say I'm really sorry for what Klaus has done to Jenna and our family" Elena said as she was trying to hold back her tears

"Elena please, don't, Just spear me the pain of this conversation I've been through to much heartbreak to understand what it's like its okay." Jeremy said as he has been through this to many times it doesn't effect him like it use to, I broke My brother

Jeremy leaves the room as he tells me that he will be down at the garden where were having the ceremony for Jenna and i said back to him that i will be there soon

I leave for jenna's memorial service, and I think to myself, how could this happen? How could we get through this again and again, over again, I think I'm breaking my whole entire family that they don't even have the decency to cry at my aunt jenna's funeral. this is ridiculous, I can't believe I did this to them again.
This is all my fault.


I walk to the garden as I see Jeremy, Ana, Bonnie, Alaric, Caroline, Tyler, Damon, Stefan and Matt, standing there over jenna's grave, I think to myself, when are we supposed to get through all of this heartbreak to realize that this is never going to end, we're always gonna have to go to a funeral, everytime someone in this town dies, this is too depressing.


After the funeral I realize that my life is a never ending funeral and I go to my room and Stefan follows me I just have to tell him what is on my mind I can't go through this anymore I have to tell him what I am really thinking about and it's not jenna's Funeral.

As I walk into my room I see stefan follow me I'm just going to get it over with here we go

"I can't do this Anymore" I say as I turn to the door where Stefan was standing

"I know I promise I won't let you lose anyone else" Stefan says as he walks closer to me

"No, Not all the death, It's what the death follows" I said as I look at Stefan while looking at the ring that Uncle John left me

"What do you mean" Stefan asks confused

"You and Damon" I say as I let a tear slip from my face

"Are you saying... " Stefan says before I cut him off

Stefan's POV

"Yes, I want to break up, Your a vampire death follows you everywhere you go I've lost everyone sense you and Damon came to town, Sorry" Elena said as she had resentment in her eyes but when she began to finish I saw she was sad

"I get it, Let me give you some space just call if you need me, I'm still here for you" I said as I am sad on the in side but I didn't let it show cause it would make her feel worse

"Okay, Friends then" Elena said with a smile and her hand out for me to shake

"Friends" I said as I shake her hand

I guess we will have to get through all of this just being friends
If I can do that

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