Chapter 13 ~ Elijah's Help

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Elena's POV

It's been a week we've been starving Klaus and I have to go all the way across the country to find the one person I think can actually get through to him I just have to say goodbye because when I get back, It might not work so...

"I'm about to go all the way across the country to get a very old and Noble vampire, so before I leave do you just want to switch that humanity on for me" I say as I walk into the cellar and see Klaus sitting in a chair tied up

"Go to hell" He shouts

"Is that rage I hear in your voice cause last I checked that's a human  emotion" I say with a hint of a smile

He doesn't say anything just rolls his eyes

"I just wanted to say goodbye" I say as I look at his eyes and he looks completely lost even if I do find Elijah I'm not sure he can help at this point

"Have you finally given up on me thank God" he says as he smirks

"I haven't given up I still have hope and by this time tomorrow I'll have Elijah" I say as i smile and walk out the door, There's one more stop I have to make


I enter the Salvatore boarding house and head straight for the basement cellar to see Tyler

"I can here you out there" He says as I walked close to the door but didn't go in yet, I roll my eyes after a minute and then enter

"Hi Ty" I say as I look at Tyler with sympathy

"Come on sweetheart let me out of here" he says as he stands up but is chained to the wall

"I can't do that you'll just go and rescue Klaus" I say as I walk closer to him and his face is filled with rage

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"I can't do that you'll just go and rescue Klaus" I say as I walk closer to him and his face is filled with rage

"I'm not someone's little bitch"
he says angrily

"You may not think that but I know you are sired to him you'll do anything he asks and what if he asks you to kill me or anyone else for that matter" I asked

"I wouldn't do that" he shouts

"You wouldn't have a choice!" I shot back as I walked closer to him and looked at him in the eyes

He rolls his eyes as I say "Goodbye"

"What?" He asks as I turned to walk out the door but stop once that word came out of his mouth

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