Chapter 12 ~ Capturing Klaus

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Klaus turned Tyler into a hybrid and then went and bought a mansion in South oakwood we have no clue what his plans are but we're going to make our own before he can act on his...

3rd Persons POV

Damon, Stefan, Alaric, Caroline, Elena and Tyler
Are all in Alaric's class room making a plan on how to stop Klaus once and for all

"Where is Bonnie" Damon asks as he looks at Elena

Elena looks up at him and says "She's not involved I don't trust that Klaus won't hurt her"

"Right" Alaric adds

"Okay at the bonfire tonight is when we can make our move" Elena says as she looks at everyone

"Stefan you'll distract Rebekah" Elena begins
"I'll draw Klaus out" Elena continues
"Caroline will prep the cell"
Elena says as she continues
"Alaric will come up behind him and shoot him up with Vervain and Wolf Spain" Elena finishes

"What exactly are we doing" Tyler asks as he looks at Elena

"We're getting klaus's Humanity back" Caroline says as she smiles and looks at Tyler

"I can't let you do that" Tyler says as everyone looks at him in confusion

"What, Why not" Alaric asks

"Because it's not what he would want" Tyler continues

"Oh" Damon says as he comes to realization

"But Klaus is the bad guy" Elena says as she walks closer to Tyler

"Shit" Damon says as he rubs his head

And before they know it Damon vamp speed behind him and snaps his neck

"What the hell" Elena Shouts as she bends down to Tyler

"He's sired to Klaus" Damon says as he looks at Tyler's body

"What do you mean" Alaric asks

"He feels loyal to Klaus cause Klaus's blood created him" Damon explains

"How do I fix them" Elena asks as she rubs Tyler's head and looks at Damon

Damon looks down at Elena and says "Get a new boyfriend"

After a minute contemplating that Elena stands up and says "Lock him up" with a straight face

"Are you sure" Stefan asks

Elena nod's as she says "We can't have anything ruin this"

And then Damon begins to drag him away but before he does Elena says
"Damon you'll watch Tyler and make sure he doesn't escape"
And then he nods and drags Tyler to a cellar under the Salvatore boarding house


Elena's POV

Then they head to the bonfire
Stefan, Was with Rebekah by the fire she was making roasted marshmallows

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