Chapter 3 ~ A Year Has Passed

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Elena POV

It has been a year sense Klaus broke the Curse and killed my aunt Jenna, A lot has happened in that year, Stefan became Klaus' wingman we only recently got him back, Alaric became the Vampire to kill all vampires, The Council was after Caroline and Tyler, I got a head injury and I had to make a choice between Stefan and Damon, I haven't made my choice yet, I've been putting it off, Cause I know that when I choose one I lose the other, Anyway, Klaus was in a storage unit in Vermont, Damon went to hide him there until Rebekah came to get him so he would be safe and no one had to die, But Alaric was after him so that he could kill him and every other vampire that we know, Tyler, Stefan, Caroline, Katherine and Damon, Matt and Jeremy were trying to protect me and get me out of town, That didn't work out very well.

"MATT LOOK OUT!" I yelled as Matt drove his truck off Wickery bridge, Because Rebekah was trying to Protect Klaus

"MATT LOOK OUT!" I yelled as Matt drove his truck off Wickery bridge, Because Rebekah was trying to Protect Klaus

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I woke up in my bed, Not knowing how I got there all I knew was Rebekah had tried to kill me and we went off the bridge yet somehow I'm not dead, But, Wait, Matt..WHERES MATT

"Where's Matt is he okay" I asked as I saw Stefan sitting at my bed side and Damon sitting on my Bay window

"He's fine, Do you remember, What happened" Stefan asked

"I told you to save Matt first, I was ready to die why didn't I die" I started but my words got angrier as I went on

"When you got your head injury it was worst then anyone knew Meredith Fell made a choice and healed you with Vampire blood" Stefan said as he held my hand sadly

"No, No, No" I began before Damon said "Yes, You died with Vampire blood in your system"

"I-I can't be a vampire" I cried out

"Don't worry we have time to think this through" Stefan said confidently

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"Don't worry we have time to think this through" Stefan said confidently

"Think what through, You feed or die there is no door number 3" Damon said angrily as he left the room
And Stefan followed him

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