Chapter 14 ~ Getting His Humanity Back

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3rd Persons POV

Elijah was dead on the floor next to Klaus's chair where he is sitting it had been about two hours since they had brought Elijah back from New Orleans Elijah said that he wouldn't help but Elena wasn't taking no for an answer

Elijah's POV

I had just woke up and as I did my neck started having this blinding pain shooting through it I stood up and saw Klaus chained to a chair in the center of the room I didn't know what was going on...


Elena's POV

Me, Damon, Caroline and Bonnie were all in the Salvatore boarding house living room doing anything we can to figure out how to break the sire bond between Tyler and Klaus until Elijah awakes

"You said you had something" Caroline says impatiently as she looks at Bonnie

Bonnie looks at her with a glare and says "It's not that easy"

"What do we have to do" I asked as I look in between Bonnie Caroline and Damon

Bonnie looks at us with a hint of fear as she says
"It's not something we can do, it's not magic it's loyalty since Klaus turned Tyler into a vampire to stop him from turning into a werewolf every full moon he feels loyal to Klaus so the only way to break the sire bond is for Klaus to set him free and tell him that he doesn't owe him anymore"

Damon looks at me and then back at Bonnie with wide eyes and says "Well Klaus has no feelings so how the hell are we supposed to get him to set Tyler free"

"What did you think Elijah is here for" I say sarcastically as I begin to walk towards the basement before Damon says something that gets me to turn back around
"How is he supposed to help"

Caroline rolls her eyes as I say "I don't know, But I have a backup plan if this goes to hell"

"And that is..." Bonnie asks as I look at her and say
"That's for me to know and you to not"

Then I walk to the cellar where Klaus and Elijah are as I leave everyone pondering in the thought of what my plans could be


I walk in the cellar and Elijah's standing beside klaus's chair as I come in with a curious look as to what they have been doing...

"What are you doing, Elijah" I ask as I look at him curiously

He looks at me as he puts his hand on his brother's shoulder and squeezes then says "I've come to help my brother just like you wanted"

I have a curious look cause when we were in New Orleans he wanted nothing to do with Klaus what's his endgame

"When we were in New Orleans you said you have given up on redemption for Klaus, What are you up to" I ask

Elijah looks at me and then back at Klaus and then back up at me as he says "Well I told you that I never give up on family and Klaus is my family so I'm not going to give up on him, Yet"

I smile as I say "let's get to work"


Caroline's POV

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