Chapter 5 ~ Dance of the century

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Tomorrow we have a Dance for school and I haven't decided who to ask yet because I can't take the one person I actually want to


Klaus's POV

I came through the window she was asleep she looked so peaceful, I know she said I need to find a way to fall out of love with her, but I can't help it...She's just so beautiful I reached down to touch her face as she sleeps

I just can't help but how I feel and when she wakes up she gets to take some lucky guy to that dance, I just have to see her and the guy shes gonna takeI've got an idea

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I just can't help but how I feel and when she wakes up she gets to take some lucky guy to that dance, I just have to see her and the guy shes gonna take
I've got an idea


Elena's POV

I was in the Gym at school with Bonnie, Caroline, Rebekah and Ana helping them prepare for the dance

"Where's the dance happening this time" Ana asks as she looks in between all of us

"What do you mean it's a school dance it's probably gonna happen here, Right Rebekah"
I reply as I look to Rebekah

After Rebekah told me that the only way to save her brother was to kill me I realized I was being a jerk about it, Yes she practically turned me into a vampire but it was Damon's fault that I became one I'm going to do everything I can to make it up to Rebekah for being such a jerk to her

"Actually the principal said it will be happening at my house" Rebekah explains as she walks over to get balloons

"What?" I question angrily as I walk towards Rebekah...Cause if it was at her house then Klaus would be there and if I am to get over him I can't see him

"Yeah, Apparently someone talked the principal into making the dance somewhere else and they chose my house" Rebekah explains as she hands a clip board to Ana

"Are you going to be okay, You know sense he um did all that stuff to you" Bonnie asks as I reply with "I'll be fine"
I can do this and I'm not just going cause I want to see him, I mean I don't want see him, Oh god I have to get out of here, I run out of the Gym as they all watch me and as I reach the hallway I begin to cry

Rebekah, Caroline and Ana can all hear me balling with there super human ears

"You guys can hear, What's wrong with her" Bonnie asks

"She's crying" Caroline replies as she walks toward the gym doors to go check on Elena

"Wait, I think it should be me" Rebekah says as she grabs Caroline's arms and pulls her back and then races out to check on Elena as Ana, Caroline and Bonnie look confused yet they can still hear them out there

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