Chapter 10 ~ New Found Feelings

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I wake up with Tyler next to me and I look up and see Stefan and Damon glaring at me and then Tyler begins to wake and he jumps at the site of Damon and Stefan...

"What the hell are you guys doing in here" I questioned as I sit up and begin to look in between Damon and Stefan

"I could ask Tyler the same thing" Damon says as he crosses his arms along with Stefan

And then we here a knock then someone comes in the house

"Hey you guys I'm here, Where are you" we all hear a familiar voice say

"In here" Damon shouts

"Oh my God, Is that Caroline" I asked as stefan nods his head and I begin to get out of bed quickly

and then Caroline comes into my room running and stops when she sees Tyler in my bed and then begins to smile

"What the hell" Caroline says as she smiled real big
"Guess you're over the original hybrid" Caroline says as she smiles and crosses her arms

"Can you guys get out please" I asked as I motion for Caroline Damon and Stefan to leave...
Damon walks out of their rolling his eyes and smirking Stefan walks out with a sad look and Caroline walks out smiling so big
Then they close the door behind them

"I'm gonna leave" Tyler says awkwardly

"It's okay nothing happened we're friends and it's going to stay that way" I say as I look at him with a small smile

"Right" Tyler says not convincing that that's what he wants

Tyler gets up and heads for the door as I say "we're good, right?"

"Of course you're my best friend in the world" He says as he leaves my room and I smile


We're at school in the hallway and Caroline is still lecturing me about Tyler but not in a bad way it's as if she was okay with everything and she was just trying to annoy me but it didn't so much as annoy me as it made me laugh

"So..." Caroline says slowly before I cut her off with "Don't start"

"Okay, All jokes aside, What are you doing?" She asks me as we stopped walking

"What do you mean" I questioned as I look her in the eyes

"Okay you're either the stupidest person on the planet or you're just trying to string him along, Tyler has loved you sense he figured out what love was, And you know it" Caroline says as she looks at me with sympathy

"I know" I choke up
I look at Caroline for a minute then we begin to start walking back to class and I say
"He's my best friend and if we started dating and it didn't work out...I couldn't lose him"

"You're right he's your best friend and he would do anything for you and you know that, But he's still holding out for hope that you will eventually change your mind and if you won't you need to tell him instead of stringing him along" Caroline says as they stopped in front of the history class and walk in together


It was after school and I saw Tyler and Matt playing on the basketball court outside of the school and I begin to walk over to them, To talk...

"Can we talk Tyler" I asked as I walked closer to him

"I'm sort of busy" he says as he looks in between Matt and the basketballAnd then Matt looks at me and rolls his eyes sarcastically

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"I'm sort of busy" he says as he looks in between Matt and the basketball
And then Matt looks at me and rolls his eyes sarcastically

"Please" I ask as I look at him intensely and then he looks back at me and we stand there looking at each other for a minute

"Okay" He says as he throws Matt the basketball and runs towards me and then we turn around and start walking as we talk

"Whats up" He asks

"Look, We've been best friends sense, 1st grade and I don't know what I would do if I lost you--" I begin as we sit on a bench

"What are you talking about" He asks as I look at the ground and back up at him

"You've been in love with me, since we were freshmen and I'm so sorry if I strung you along but I just don't feel that way about you and I don't want to lose you as a friend" I say as I look at him and he has a surprised look on his face

"I, Um, okay" He says awkwardly

"Okay?" I ask as I stand up and look at him and ask
"You didn't love me did you?"

And after he doesn't answer for a minute I take that as a no and I begin to walk home

"Wait, Elena" He shouts after me but I ignore him and continue walking

The whole way home he kept trying to talk to me but I just kept ignoring him I can't believe I actually thought he loved me and I don't know why it bothers me so much that he doesn't but it just does

I reach the porch and then he makes a move "Stop" He says as he turns me around with his hand

"I don't know why it bothers me so much that you didn't love me but it does just leave me alone we'll talk later" I say as I turn towards the door

"You know what No, Yes I love you I just didn't know how to react when you said nothing could ever happen we're best friends and I would do anything for you and you just take me for granted I use to feel guilty for loving you cause you were with Klaus but he's not here now and I'm not going to use that excuse anymore" He explains as I begin to say something before he cuts me off with a kiss...

"You know what No, Yes I love you I just didn't know how to react when you said nothing could ever happen we're best friends and I would do anything for you and you just take me for granted I use to feel guilty for loving you cause you were with K...

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it surprised me but I liked that it surprised me I haven't felt this way since Klaus first kissed me I think I've fallen in love again I think I've always loved Tyler but since Klaus isn't here to draw my attention away I can finally be with him...

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