Chapter 9 ~ Broken

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Stefan's POV

It had been a week sense Klaus left Mystic falls, He left Elena in pieces that we have to pick up, She moved in with me and Damon, She just couldn't be alone, Jeremy spent most of his time with Ana and she was alone at her house so she lives with us now, She hasn't left her room sense Klaus left she cries most nights and she only eats if we bring her food, She's Broken Klaus left her Broken And I don't know if she'll ever be whole again...


Elena's POV

The pain I'm in hurts so bad that sometimes I want to die, But I'm not gonna let Klaus drag me down with him, He must feel alone all the time he pushes people away, Sometimes I just feel like turning it off, But I know if I do then I'll do worse things than I can't imagine I'll lose my family and friends and I can't do that Klaus left me alone I can't lose them too...
I felt like I needed to get back to my life, I needed to move on, Its more difficult then it looks, But the first step was getting out of bed, I'm strong enough to get through this heartbreak...
I could hear them all downstairs talking about me

"What do we do about her" Jeremy asks

"She just needs time" Damon replies

"Shes had time" Jeremy says back in response

And that's when I sit up, I was putting my family in pain because of Klaus it's all his fault is it considered broken if you can change love into hate within a week
I stand up and walk downstairs as they all stare at me

"He's right I've had enough time" I said as I walk to the shower and i can tell Jeremy let out a quick smile

"Um you don't have to do this we understand, It's hard to get over someone especially when you loved them" Stefan says as if he was talking about it like it happened to him
Ana, Jeremy, Bonnie, Alaric, Stefan, Damon, Tyler, Matt And Caroline are my family and I'm not letting them down

"I'm fine" I say as I try to pass off a fake smile, But they could see straight through me, I go to shower and I leave them all pondering, I could tell they didn't want to rush me but they've been so patient I owe them this


I finished my shower and I'm walking out as I hear the TV talk about events in New Orleans and I walk straight for the living room with wet hair, green top and blue jean pants and they're all standing there watching TV as I enter

"There's a mad Man loose in New Orleans" the news lady said on the TV

"Oh my God" I say as a tear escapes my face

They all turn to look at me with confused and surprised faces and then I run out of there like my life depends on it

Tyler's POV

"I'll go after her" I begin as  leave to go after Elena


Elena's POV

I ended up in the woods a couple blocks from The Salvatore boarding house
I leaned up against a tree as I ball my eyes out

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