Chapter 11 ~ He's Back

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6 Months Later

It's been 6 Months since Klaus left and I was Broken but I think Tyler has slowly me back together again which i never thought was possible, Tyler and I have been together for 5 months now and I'm happy, I'm loved, I'm Whole again, when Klaus left me there was a hole in my heart where he was supposed to be but since Tyler and I got together that hole has slowly filled...

oday is senior prank day and I'm going to make the most of it...

Matt's POV

I was in the workout room and all of a sudden I here a crash, I get up walk to the hall, I see a shadow and I follow it, It leads me to Chemistry Class...
I go in and turn the lights on and then all of a sudden, I hear like a hundred rat catchers go off...

I go in and turn the lights on and then all of a sudden, I hear like a hundred rat catchers go off

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"Matt!" Caroline shouts

"It took us forever to set those up" Bonnie whines

3rd Persons POV

"What are you guys--" Matt begins before Caroline cuts him off with
"Did you forget about senior prank day, This is the foundation of this year and we're going to make the most of it, We're going to make memories"

As she says that Elena begins to walk away before Caroline stops her with "Where are you going"

"To super glue alaric's desk shut, I'm making memories" Elena says as she smiles and looks at everyone and They all smile as well
Then she leaves the class room

Elena's POV

I was going through double doors as I turn a corner look up and see someone I never thought I'd see again...Klaus

"Klaus?" I whisper but before I could do anything Klaus starts grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the gym

"Klaus?" I whisper but before I could do anything Klaus starts grabbing my arm and pulling me towards the gym

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