Chapter 7 ~ Jealousy ~ Part 2

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Caroline's POV

After our plan succeeded I ran off into the woods knowing that she would follow me, We needed to talk alone and she did follow me as I planned

"What the hell are you doing" Elena says as she runs up behind me

I turn around and say "You deserve better"

"You know I wasn't even planning to act on my feelings for Klaus and then all of you guys have to be so dramatic about it" Elena shouts and at that moment everyone starts coming up behind her

"I needed to talk to her alone, Go away" I yell angrily as I look at everyone and then Elena looks confused but then she turns around and sees everyone behind her

"Who are you to tell me I deserve better, When you've been hooking up with Eligha this whole time" Elena yells at me as tears begin to roll down her face and then everyone behind her looks at me confused and curiously

"Who are you to tell me I deserve better, When you've been hooking up with Eligha this whole time" Elena yells at me as tears begin to roll down her face and then everyone behind her looks at me confused and curiously

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"What!?" Klaus shouts

"Wow, I can't believe you just did that, I trusted you" I say as I look at her with anger and sadness

"So did I" Elena says as she looks at me with nothing but sadness

Elena's POV

And then Klaus uses his vamp speed to run up and snap Caroline's neck

"What the hell I was talking to her" I yell as I look at Klaus with confusion as I gesture and everyone's Jaws drop

"Yeah well I have some questions and it's about time I get my answers" Klaus shouts and it makes me jump in fear along with everyone else

"O-okay" I stutter

"Now why were you acting so jealous back there" he asks in a calm voice as my eyes go wide and everyone else comes to a realization

"You haven't told him" Stefan asks as Klaus and I look up at him

"Told me what?" He asks but I couldn't make out the words to tell him how I truly felt about him

"" I begin nervously

"What's going on" he asks as he looks up at everyone then back down at me

"It okay..." I hear someone say as I turn around I see it's Jeremy walking towards me

"What?" I ask surprised

"We won't judge you, We'll love you no matter what, So tell him, Its okay" Jeremy says as he looks me in the eyes and I could tell that he was giving me his Blessing

I turned back around to face Klaus as Jeremy goes back to everyone else and I finally get up the courage to tell him the truth "I love you"
He looked shocked and then all of a sudden he walks up to me puts his hands on my face and kisses me and I bring my hands up to his

I turned back around to face Klaus as Jeremy goes back to everyone else and I finally get up the courage to tell him the truth "I love you"He looked shocked and then all of a sudden he walks up to me puts his hands on my face and kisses me and I b...

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Everyone looks at us and smiles in "Awe" as they are actually happy for us

Caroline's POV

I begin to wake up and I stand up quickly as I see Klaus and Elena kissing and everyone is just standing there watching them, I can't let this go on
So I use my vamp speed to throw Klaus off of her

Elena's POV

I see Caroline stand up and before I know it Klaus is on the ground by a tree

"What the hell" I shout as everyone changes there smiles into frowns

"You outed me and Eligha, We are no longer friends" Caroline says as she vamp speeds away

And then I run up to make sure Klaus is okay


Eligha's POV

"You mean to tell me she told Klaus about us" I ask as me and Caroline stand in her living room

"Yes" she says as she looks at the ground, So I walked over to her and kissed her to lift her spirits and after a few minutes I stopped and started pacing
Trying to figure out a way to explain this to Klaus

Caroline's POV

He had moved away, But I needed much more than a Kiss, I run up to him and jump on him and kiss him intensely as he removed my dress and I removed his shirt and then started to unbutton his pants and well, I think you have the idea of where this is going, We had sex...


Elena's POV

I had arrived back at my house, Alone, Jeremy was staying with Ana tonight and everyone else had went back to the party to compel everyone to forget what they had seen...
I went up to my room and laid on my bed, I closed my eyes for a minute and then I sat up and Klaus was in front of me

"Holy Shit" I said as I jumped up

"Sorry, Love" he said as he walked close to me

"It's okay" I said as I smiled Nervously

He looks at me as if I'm the only person on the planet
He moves my hair out of my face and I got all tingly as he touched my skin and then he gently kisses me and I kiss him back yet this time I didn't pull away, He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and he lays me on my bed as he takes off his shirt and then I lift up and unbutton his pants as my shirt then flies off he lifts me up and takes off my pants and he says
"Are you sure about this"

Then I look into his eyes and say "Oh definitely" As I bite my lip
And then we were both in our underwear

He started to kiss me all over, My Neck, My Lips, My Legs, My Stomach, My arms, My chest
And somehow it felt Right

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