Chapter 4 ~ We can't choose who we fall In Love With

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I was laying in bed as my alarm begins to go off and I get up with the biggest smile on my face I shower and get dressed for school and then walk downstairs but when I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear noises coming from the kitchen, I walk over to the kitchen door slide it open and see, Eligha...

I was laying in bed as my alarm begins to go off and I get up with the biggest smile on my face I shower and get dressed for school and then walk downstairs but when I reach the bottom of the stairs I hear noises coming from the kitchen, I walk ov...

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He looked like he was making breakfast

"What are you doing in my house" I question curiously

"We need to chat" he said as the toaster popped up 2 waffles

"About what" I say as I put my hands on my hips

"Klaus" he said as he was waiting to see my reaction and I gasp for his benefit

"What did he do" I ask as I sit down and sigh

"Nothing" Eligha said as he got the waffles out of the toaster and put them in front of me

"Oh, Then what" I said with a shocked look on my face

"Last night he came home with the biggest smile, And I have a feeling you had something to do with that" Eligha explains as I look at him and smile

"Why do you think that I had something to do with that" I ask as I begin to eat my waffles

"Because Klaus has had feelings for you sense the first day he laid eyes on you" Eligha explains
While I look shocked and confused

"He followed me into the woods last night, Because Damon forced me to turn into a vampire and Klaus comforted me" I tell him as he looks shocked
"I have a question" I begin

"Alright?" He said as he looks at me intensely

"If He had feelings for me why would he kill my Aunt Jenna and make my life a living hell" I questioned while there was a moment of silence before he began to say "He had one thing on his mind for centuries and when he finally was at the grasp of getting it I don't think he really thought about what he would be giving up by gaining his true self"

"He's a selfish monster" I said as I stood up and walked towards the kitchen door

I stopped when I finally reached the kitchen door because I heard Eligha say something that made me turn around
"I couldn't agree with you more"

"Then why have you stuck by him this long if he doesn't care for anyone but himself and apparently me" I asked as he stands up and looks at me directly in the eye before he says "Cause he's my family and I don't abandon family" I look at him for a minute with a crooked smile and then

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