-chapter 2-

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"seduce me so that i can stop studying" jeno continued

wtf i dont care

"when i dated .. her i stopped studying i really hate studying but my parents want me to so .." he stopped when the bus stopped at our school

"seduce me or i will seduce you"

"dont dream about me seducing you ask one of your 'fans' to do that" i said as i walked off the bus.
i ran into school to find my friends, dino and joshua. i go into my class and see joshua and dino talking i rush to them and said

" guys .. i have something to tell you !!"

joshua: " what ?"
"on the bus—"
joshua, dino & i groan: "math"

we go back to our seats and then i see jeno rushing into the class and to his seat. i chuckle.

stupid jeno

the teacher comes in and starts the lesson

"you may go for your recess but remember to do you homework for tomorrow~" i go to joshua and dino and walk to the canteen. while we were walking to the canteen, i started to tell them what happened in the bus

we sat down at a table and dino shouts

"jeNo sEdUcE yOu??!!"

jangmi: SHUT UP DINO !! *whisper shout* as joshua slaps his back
everyone's head shoots towards our table especially the girls

shit thanks alot dino
oh no i see jeno's ex coming towards us

jeno's ex: did i hear correctly ? jeno ? seduce ? yOu?? huh u must be crazy dont get ur hopes up ok darling ? he will come running back for me-"

??: no i wont
a voice said behind me

heyyyyy i hope u enjoyed this chapter get i might do chapter 3 tmr or if i can today :)

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