-chapter 24-

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the worst encounter ever in history..

jeno & jihoon standing in front of me.

why is that jerk here tho? oof i just thought of something . jeno's ship name! jerk= jeno + jerk !! how nice. NO I CANT LET JENO SPOIL MY DAY !!

i totally ignore his existence and say

jangmi: hey jihoon! we should get going  leggo!

i wrapped my arm around jihoon's arm and closed the door behind me. i was about to walk off when ..

jeno: hello

i stop.

jeno turns towards us

jeno: im still here u know ? im alive. but not that you can see cause you're blind.

i clench my fist, trying SO HARD to keep my anger within me.

jeno: aww im so sad. you are going on a date without me! oh no ! how did i know ? a mystery !! you will need to find out-

jangmi: lets go jihoon!! where do want to eat ??

we walk off together. im not letting him stop me from having a good day. i dont and will never have feelings for him again.

i've moved on jeno

jihoon: hey are you ok ?

jangmi: dont worry about me :) i dont want our date to be ruined by that asshole
(did i spell it correct ?? idk heh)

jihoon: o-oh ok

jangmi: lets have fun today ok ?

jihoon: ok !

we smile at each other .

we walk towards a cafe and sit down at a two seater table at the corner of the shop. we order what we want and start eating. we talked and talked, laughed and laughed. we shared about our life and it was so .. peaceful when i talked to him.

jangmi: how did you hate food when you were young ?? i LOVE food !!

both of us laughed. as i was laughing i happened to glance at the entrance. i and see 10 people come in.

i stop laughing and put my head lower.

jangmi: jihoon !!
i say softly

jihoon: whats wrong ??

jangmi: your group!! wanna one !! is here !!

jihoon: WHAT

oh no .. that was too loud

jangmi: SHHHHH

everyone's eyes looked at us. shit . spotted .




jangmi: do you wanna run or-

oh no they are coming towards us

woojin: so this is why you woke up so early !!

jihoon: RUN

i grab my bag and run out of the cafe. jihoon holds on to my wrist so that i don't get lost. we ran as fast as we can with no destination but we ended up at a park with cherry blossoms.

jangmi: i .. i think .... we c-can stop.. here
i try to catch my breath in between my words.

jihoon: ya

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