-chapter 21-

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we had a really fun night tbh. we all forgot about jeno and his shit. and i stopped every feeling , every attention and any care for jeno. (my english is bad ya i know) everything related to jeno faded away.

jihoon: hey jangmi

jangmi: ye ?

jihoon: can we talk in private for a while ?

i look at him confused

jangmi: umm .. ok ? you wanna go to my room ?

jihoon: ok !

and we walk up the stairs to my room.


i saw jangmi and .. what's his name? ji- oh jihoon. ya the jihoon guy go up the stairs. go up the stairs together. where is that man going this that angel ? wait what? did i just call jangmi an angel. wtf whats wrong with me?? i don't even have feelings for her!! or .. do i ?


me and jihoon walked into my room and jihoon sits on my bed facing me. i closed the door behind me and then turn around to face jihoon. i walk towards him smiling.

i stop walking and stood in front of him

jangmi: so what is it that you want to talk about ?

jihoon: jangmi-ah
he said looking down at his hands

jihoon: do you like .. like some one in that group of nct people?

such a random question ..

jangmi: nah

jihoon sighed for idk what reason. then he looked up at me smiling

his cute little hands with his super long sleeves reach out to my hands. he holds on to my hands gently and moves his shirt off his hands.

i heart beat so fast. i never felt this way for jihoon for a longgggg time.

jihoon: you know a lot of people here like you right ?

jangmi: w-what ? like like me ?? impossible.

jihoon chuckled

jihoon: some people see the good and caring side of you

aww such a sweet boy

jangmi: eheh
i blushed

jihoon: its cute when you blush you know ?

my heart is beating faster. my face is blushing harder .

jangmi: hehe t-thanks

jihoon starts swinging my hands lightly while smiling.

jihoon: although i gave you quite a big hint about nct and wanna one, all i can say is 내마음속에저장 !!
( i will save you in my heart)( yep the jeojang phrase)

i giggle

jangmi: i love you too hehehe

jihoon let goes one of my hands and hold the other while walking out of my room, to the living room where all of them were still playing and having fun.


after like 5 mins, jangmi and jihoon finally came down. but as they were going down the stairs, i saw that they were holding hands. did they just confess to each other ? are they a couple now ? what is happening between them ??


jihoon didn't let go of my hand for really long that i forgot he was even holding it. i looked at the rest of the boys and all eyes were on me. i was wondering my but then i also realised all their eyes were at my hand. confused, i looked down at my hands and saw jihoon's hand griping onto it gently. they boys mind get the wrong idea.


both me and jihoon quickly turn our heads at their direction. i was just embarrassed so i blushed. i looked up at jihoon and see him smiling brightly. i looked back at wanna one and see some of their phones taking pictures.

i whispered to jihoon

jangmi: don't you want to let go of my hand? what if all the girls in school see it?? there will be rumours and gossips etc. i will probably be 'bullied' by them and i will just die.

jihoon: aww man :( ok fine . but i will hold that hand again soon !!!

jangmi: sure sure

jihoon smiles brightly . such a cute boy

hey guys ! i actually started writing this chapter at 12.15 am ++ and only ended it at 1.23 am :/ pls enjoy !!

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