-chapter 6-

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hmm .. looking at me and saying "my heart belongs to someone else" .. uhhhhhh what??

(sorry jangmi is very blur ya i know just bare with me)

back to the story ..

jeno's ex starts to break down on the floor. tbh it's her fault for being such a playgirl so .. :/ jeno didn't seem bothered suddenly jeno turned me back to face him. my heart keeps on beating so fast AAH! looking at him so closely .. he is so ...


my thoughts were interrupted when jeno cupped my cheeks gently and said

"i love you, jangmi"

he pulls me closer to his chest and kisses my forehead and looks back at me.

OMG my heart its beating WAYYY too fast. hope jeno can't hear it. i feel my cheeks heat up and i look down at the floor. i feel SOOOOOOO many eyes on me. girls.. are.. gonna kill me.. shit. i hug the bear tighter as i get nervous by the thought of what the girls in the school will do to me. right now i should focus on jeno.

did he really mean it? that he loves me? i can't bring myself to believe it. ghisndkd im gonna die

i hurriedly run into the school building and sit down at my seat. girls and boys start coming in.. some of them i remember their faces from just now. shit what if they tell others. and then of course they start talking and i eavesdrop.

girl 1: "hey hey just now jeno kissed that girl on the forehead!" she said as she pointed at me, " and gave her a big teddy bear! and ALSO jeno did all of that in front of his ex! also jeno said "my heart to someone else" and looked at that girl! jeno should have done that to me! i should be the one!"

omg she is SUCH a fangirl. my ears hurt. i swear if they r gonna 'bully' me i'll kick their ass up. oh! class is starting gotta pay attention

heyy hope yall like this one :/ i'll try to make it more interesting so get ready for chapter 7 :)

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