-chapter 7-

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omg what ! class ended?! and i didn't pay attention! and now is lunch?? yah! jeno! why you make me think about you for 1 and a half hours???!!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO SAY I LOVE YOU??!! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KISS ME??!!!

"UGH!" i shouted accidentally
everyone looked at me thinking that i'm crazy. i stand up and was about to walk away from my table when 3 girls approached me. oh no.. jeno this is your fault.. the 3 girls who LOVE jeno so much and think they are the queens in the school. Nancy, Yena and Jinsol. how pathetic! oh they're are gonna talk.

Nancy: "hey! i hear YOU were kissed by OUR jeno! how dare you?! do you know we are??!!"

jangmi: "uhh ya"

Yena: "SHUT UP! jeno is ours! so back off! if you don't we will bring you hell!"

jangmi: " sure." i glare at them, "try me."
by this time i could sense everyone looking at us. including jeno.

Jinsol: "woah this girl has an attitude. we should teach her a lesson."

Jinsol was gonna slap me .. and i was gonna hit her back .. but..

Jeno: "stop it now!"

everyone looked at him.

Jinsol: "jeno oppa"

oh that word oppa cringes me sooooo much

Jinsol: "why are you defending this piece of shit? we are better than her!"

jeno: "are you?"

woah lee jeno those words were hard! man they gonna cry- oh they really are- and they went out. why does jeno protect me? why does my heart always beat so fast when i'm with him? WHY??

jeno: "jangmi are you ok??" he said worriedly

i nod my head sheepishly

all eyes were on us.. again. i walk out
of the classroom and text joshua and dino to eat without me. i go to the rooftop to think.

why does my heart always beat so fast? and with jeno? he is so annoying! but why? i can see he is kinda caring but why do i feel this way? am i like one of those fangirls who like him? can't be right? why does jeno do these things for me??

after much thought i finally come to a conclusion

i actually fell for him

i hope you liked this one although it was really bad :/ sorry~ look forward fo the next chapter!!

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