-chapter 10-

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wait secret admirer??? thats not what it said!

jangmi: thats not what it said

jimin: w-what uhh oh sorry i forgo-"

we hear a scream from behind jimin. who is that??

??: HELP ME!!!

omg is that jeno's voice??? i look at jimin

jangmi: what did you do??

jimin looked down at his shoes

i stand up and towards the voice. as i walked pass jimin. he grabs my hand and says

jimin: where do you think you're going? i'm not done with you yet

jangmi: are you crazy?? what did you do to jeno??

jimin: nothing ..

jangmi: ya sure
i said sarcastically

jimin: why are you help him?? all he has done is annoy you and ur helping him?? i know we haven't talked before but i deserve you more than him. i am the one who loves you not him.

he said it so sternly that chills went down my spine

jangmi: let go of me now

he kept quiet


he still kept quiet but this time he glared at me

jangmi: i give you want last chance to let go of me gently

jimin: no

i sigh and get ready my body. i pull his arm up so he will stand up. i punch his stomach and i kick his balls. (sorry that was the only why of describing it) he groans in pain and let go of my hand.

i run to where the voice was coming from. i peeked from behind a wall and see a beaten up and tied up jeno. i quickly run to him and cut the ropes with my Swiss army knife. (forgot to say that i brought one in the previous chapter) once he wasn't tied anymore we ran towards the staircase. but of course jimin .. he comes up to us and block us.

jimin: i told you i wasn't done with you jangmi

jangmi: but i am

i punch his face and push him to the ground. me and jeno quickly went to the staircase and went down. when we went to the first floor i went to the bus stop and looked at my watch
time now: 5:49pm
great! the bus is coming in 1 min. nvm it came early. we board the bus and go to my house. i kinda know how to do first aid so..

15 mins later

the bus reaches my house and we rush into it.

jisung: noona you're back- oh my god what happened to you jeno????!!!
jisung said as he walked out of the kitchen and saw us.

jangmi: long story jisung. i don't even know the whole thing. i know half. jeno knows the other.
i said as i grabbed the first aid kit. jisung helped me to bandage jeno up.

jangmi: jisung help me get the oilmen from upstairs

jisung nods and hurriedly goes up stairs as i continue to bandage up jeno. suddenly jeno lifts my head and stares at me. his gaze oh my heart. i could move anymore. i was too shook from what he did.

jeno: thank you jangmi

i smile at him and say

jangmi: don't need to thank me.

jeno: why not? my princess just saved me!

princess .. his princess???

heyo heyo hope you liked this one although it was bad lmao HEHEHEH it was so cringy kfkdndnsk

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