Chapter 27

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Kai woke in a cold sweat. He checked the time "3:44 in the morning..." Kai thought for a moment. 'I should check on Lloyd...' he thought as he walked towards Lloyd's room.

Lloyd cried as the chains on his wrists burned like fire.  He watched as an evil version of him was created out of thin air. "You are the weapon of destruction." The OverLord's dark voice echoed

Kai stepped into Lloyd's room, Lloyd had fallen asleep, and his blanket lay half on the floor. Lloyd was only partially covered by the blanket, his left arm was on his face, and his left leg had some how gotten stuck on a shelf, as if Lloyd had been kicking around in his sleep. Kai noticed something off  about his friend. The dark purple color on the Green Ninja's wrist and ankle. 'Just like the dream...'

Lloyd whimpered in his sleep, and then mumbled "No..."


"No... No..."

"Lloyd, you okay?"

"NO! I'M NOT!!" Lloyd kicked the air, still asleep

"Lloyd, Lloyd! It's just a dream!"

The evil Lloyd punched Lloyd in the stomach "You're useless! You always have been, and always will be!" The evil teen yelled at Lloyd

"NO! I'M NOT!!"

"Stop lying to yourself! You give into the OverLord, and you'll finally be free from all the stupid teenage emotions! You'll finally fight back against all the dicks who treated you like shit all these years!"


Evil Lloyd punched him again, this time in the face. "You've been treated like shit all your life Lloyd. You've been in a living Hell. All you have to do to make it all stop, is let the OverLord take over. Let yourself become evil. Don't try to fight, or the pain will be longer, and much worse."

"I'd rather be hurt, then hurt people."

"You stupid piece of shit."

Lloyd sat up quickly in his bed, and looked around "Kai?"

Kai stopped trying to sneak out of the room "Darn it."

"Why're you in my room at..." Lloyd looked at his alarm clock "4:02 in the morning?"

"Uuuh... You screamed in your sleep... I came to see what was wrong..." Kai said "Also, your ankle and wrist are purple...." Kai mumbled "Plus some guy called the OverLord was in my dream and you tried to kill me...."

Lloyd looked at his wrists and ankles. Dark purple."No..." Lloyd stared at his wrist "I need to call my uncle..."

"Dude, would Wu even be up at this time?"

"He gets up at four every day." Lloyd replied as he typed Wu's number in quickly


"Heeeey Uncle Wu..."

"Lloyd? What's wrong? Did the OverLord come back!?"

"Yeeeaaah..." Lloyd replied "But I'm not the only one who he attacked..."

"Who else?"


"Is he with you?"


"Put him on the phone."

Lloyd handed Kai the phone "Heeeey Sensei."

"What did the OverLord say?"

"He said Lloyd was the weapon that would cause Ninjago's demise. Also there was an evil Lloyd in my dream and he... Tried to kill me."

"What did 'evil Lloyd' look like?"

"Black hair, red eyes, pale skin. Plus he had dark purple chains on his wrists and ankles, and the skin around the cuffs was purple."

"Does real Lloyd's wrists and ankles have purple on them?"


"Put Lloyd on the phone." Kai handed the phone back "Lloyd, what did the OverLord say?"

"He didn't really talk... It was more, an evil version of me, who was calling me useless and telling me that if I just let the OverLord take over, all the pain would go away..."

"What did you say?"

"I said I'd rather be hurt, then hurt other people."

"Lloyd. I want you to tell your mother you're going to be staying with me for a while."

"But what about scho-"

"You won't be going, just tell your Mother you're going to stay with me. Understood?"

"Yes sir." Lloyd replied as he got up, and headed down the hall to his Mother's room

"Be here in a few minutes."

"Got it Uncle Wu." Lloyd hung up and knocked on his mom's room's door. "Mom?"

Misako opened the door "Yeah Lloyd?"

"Um... I need to stay at Uncle Wu's for a while..."

"What? Why honey?"

"I..." Lloyd paused for a moment "I don't want to worry you... But I have to... I have to go..." Lloyd hugged Misako "Love you Mom." Lloyd said as he rushed back down the hall


Lloyd locked his bedroom door and shoved a few things into a drawstring bag. "Lloyd." Kai said as he set a hand on his friend's shoulder

"I have to go Kai." Lloyd replied as he climbed out the window "Bye."

Lloyd ran down the streets, headed to Wu's boat. He wished he had grabbed a hoodie, because as soon as someone posted a photo of him on the internet, he was surrounded by reporters. So many reporters. "Lloyd, how did you become the Green Ninja?"

"Who else is on the Secret Ninja Force?"

"Why did you become the Green Ninja?"

"How do you feel about your father?"

"Where are you going?"

"What kind of music do you like?"

"Lloyd, what's your favorite animal?"

"What's your favorite color?"

(Oof, I'm running out of random questions.)

"Who was the first Ninja on the team?"

"What do the other Ninja act like?"

"Do you know your team's identities?"

Lloyd tried to escape the crowds of people, but couldn't get away."Look, I'd love to answer your questions, I really would, but I've got somewhere to be."

"Just a few quick questions sir?"

"Look, it's like five in the morning, I have to get going. I was supposed to be there over half an hour ago."

"Be where?"

"I'm just visiting some family."


"My uncle. Now will you please let me through?"

"Just a few more questions."

"I need to go." Lloyd mumbled as he got an idea. He wove his way between the reporters, and when he got to the final line of them he front flipped over them. "Bye!" He yelled as he ran off

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