Chapter 34

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Lloyd struggled against the chains that held his hands behind his back. No use. The chains were tight. He would have to come up with a new plan.


Kai sat at the front of the Bounty. Chen's Island visibile in the distance. He was worried for Lloyd. Kai and Nya had promised to never leave him in the dust. Ever. You don't break a promise like that. So Kai didn't plan on breaking it anytime soon. "Kai. You must rest." Wu's voice rang from behind him

"Sensei, I was just-"

"You're worried for Lloyd, but you must rest, so that we may be at full strength so we can save him. Go, Jay, Cole, Nya, and Zane are already asleep."

"Does Zane sleep?"

"No, he plugs himself into the wall and sits there playing Tetris all night while his battery charges."

Kai laughed "I guess that makes sense..."

"Go rest Kai."

"Yes Sensei. Good Night."

"Good Night Kai."


Lloyd sat on the floor, reaching for a small rock. "Come on..." He mumbled as he tried to reach for the rock with his foot. "Yes!" Lloyd exclaimed as he reached the rock, slowly he dragged the rock over to him. He knocked the rock over to his hand. He grabbed the rock and began to try to break the chains.


Kai stood in the morning mist. The Bounty nearing the island. Jay, Cole, Zane, and Nya stood with him. Weapons in hand. "You guys ready to save our friend?" Kai asked

"Absolutely." Nya replied


After hours of trying, the chain broke. "Finally." Lloyd sighed as he stood, his wrists were painfully bruised "Ow." Lloyd mumbled as he went to try and open the door. He picked at the lock with the metal part of the deepstone necklace he wore. He usually kept the necklace tucked under his shirt, but he was glad he had remembered it. He picked the lock and ran out into the hall. It was stone, and the walls were lined with torches. He took a few steps, but heard footsteps, and voices.

"There's no way he could escape Clousy-Clouse!"

"Crap!" Lloyd whispered as he dove behind a pillar that was covered with vines. "Please don't see me. Please don't see me." Lloyd quietly muttered

"The cell Master. The door is wide open."


Lloyd rushed away, as soon as Clouse and Chen were past him. "Just a little farther."


"Just a little farther, don't break the Bounty." Kai called out as they came to the edge of the island

"Listen up." Garmadon called out as he came out with what looked like a map. "Chen most likely has Lloyd in his prison. The quickest way to get there, would be to sneak in a window, near the throne room, and go down the hall behind the throne." He explained "Any questions?"

"Who's going to guard the Bounty?" Cole asked

"Wu, Jay, and Nya are staying back to keep guard."

"So You, Cole, Zane, and Me, are going to get Lloyd?" Kai asked

"Yes. Assuming he hasn't broken out of the cell, he should be in the prison."

"What if he's broken out of his cell?"

"There is only one cell with Vengestone in it. He's most likely just recently broken out of the cell and headed towards the Throne room."

"Okay..." Jay said "What's Vengestone?"

"A stone that renders any Elemental Master's powers useless." Wu said "Now. Go save my nephew."


Lloyd snuck down a hall, an exit was coming up. He could hear people coming closer, so he ducked behind a pillar. "So you think Lloyd came down this way?" A familiar voice questioned

"Yes. The cell was wide open. Either he escaped, or Chen figured out how to break the lock on Lloyd's powers."

Lloyd jumped up, and peeked around the pillar. "Dad!" Lloyd exclaimed as he ran up to Garmadon and hugged him

"Son!" Garmadon happily cried as he hugged Lloyd

"Lloyd!" Kai, Cole, and Zane exclaimed

"Let's get you out of here Lloyd."

"Wait. There are more Elemental Masters here. We can't just let Chen take their powers!" Lloyd exclaimed

"Lloyd. As much as I would love to help the other Elemental Masters, we just can't! We need to get you out of here. That's our top priority."

"Dad, we have to help them!"

Garmadon sighed "Kai, get Lloyd out of here. Cole, Zane. Come with me to save the Elemental Masters."

Kai nodded as he began to drag Lloyd back towards the exit. Lloyd tripped over a loose stone. "Owww."

"You hurt?" Kai asked, worried

"Nope. I'm good. I just face planted." Lloyd replied as he pulled himself off the floor "Let's go."

Kai and Lloyd ran down the hall headed towards the exit. They were nearly there, when flipping CLOUSE appeared out of nowhere! "Who the shit is that guy!?" Kai exclaimed

"That'd be Clouse. He... Doesn't like me, or my Dad..." Lloyd replied, a ball of golden light appearing in his hands

Clouse smirked as he pulled out a spell book. "No. I do not like you." He sneered "But I do believe I know the key to the lock on your powers." He pulled out a small leather book

"What is that?" Kai asked

"This, is the journal of the First Spinjitzu Master. In it, is a code only your family can decode. Decode it. Or I'll kill your friend over there."

Lloyd stepped in front of Kai "You're not gonna hurt him. And I'm not gonna decode that."

Clouse frowned, opening the spell book. "Aqua sequanda reiqum scree."
(The spell is just gibberish irl just saying)

Kai fell to the ground, coughing up water. "KAI!"

Clouse smirked "Decode the journal, and I'll release him from the spell. If you don't. He'll drown without ever leaving dry land."

"Fine! Fine! I'll do it, just don't kill him!"

"Endicous, silencik stopicous." (Again, gibberish)

Kai stopped gagging, and gasped for air. "Kai! Kai! Are you okay!?" Lloyd exclaimed, teary eyed

"I'm good." Kai replied with a weak thumbs up

"Decode it. Now." Clouse ordered as he tossed the journal on to the ground a few feet from Lloyd. Lloyd swallowed hard, and picked up the journal. He flipped through the pages until he came to a page titled 'Key'. He stared at the page. The words formed. He read in his head. 'One who is held dear, is the key to the powers.'. Lloyd though for a moment. "What does it say. Tell me."

"It... It uh... It says... Uh.... The key is.... Uh....." Lloyd said, trying to come up with a fake translation

"It says the key is something you'll never know CLOUSE!" A voice yelled as a dark purple or flew at Clouse "Stay away from my son." There stood Garmadon, Zane, Cole, and many Elemental Masters


"Let's get out of here."

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