Chapter 1

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Sweaty bodies, loud music, erotic dance moves, I honestly didn't expect a music festival to be like this. I was in the middle of a huge mosh pit, full of half naked guys and wasted girls, i was probably the only person who knew what band was playing. I came here with a group of friends, but i somehow lost them in the crowd.

i was alone and feeling light headed by all the bodies pushing against me. My vision blurred and i loose my balance, until a guy with dark, curly hair caught me in mid air.

"Are you ok!?" He shouts, trying to speak over the thumping music.

I slur, not knowing how to respond since I'm nearly going to pass out. As i dont respond, the man lifts me up and carries me bridal style through the moving crowd, until we get to a grassy hill filled with people sitting on towels and mats, whatever you call them.

He lays he down on the soft grass and lets me catch my breath back.


ok. "Hi"

"Ok good you can talk" he laughs at his fail of a joke while i blankly stare at him. He fake coughs it off and runs his fingers through his curly locks.

"Urm, i'm Matthew, but you can call me looked like you were about to faint out there, i didnt want you to get trampled on."

I slowly get up to lean on my elbows, so i can clearly speak and see Matthew.

"Yeah i shouldnt of had come here in the first place, I'm claustrophobic, horrible idea... oh I'm tarnee by the way"

He smiles in response and holds his hand out in a shaking hand gesture. I respond by placing my hand in his and move it up and down.

As we made brief eye contact, i studied him. Dark bags are placed under his eyes, a visible stubble along is jaw is dark compared to his fair skin. His curly hair drapes over his right eye. His hands felt rough and cut and his scent smelt of cigarettes and cologne.

He was fairly skinny, his legs were much thinner than any of the girls I've seen today, but they were hidden underneath black skinny jeans, with one of his legs torn at the shin. He wore a loose long sleeve, slightly see through top with all the buttons open down the middle, showing his chest tattoo.

His accent was definitely from Manchester. He didn't pronounce certain letters but, i kinda found that cute. His hair was very attractive to, the way it bounced when he moved his head, the way he flicks it out of his face, and the way he ruffles it to get it the way he likes it.

I hope i wasnt staring to long. Matty is looking at me like i have fuckwit written on my forehead.

"i feel fine now, um, I'm gonna go find my friends, they're probably worried but thanks for...saving me basically ahaha" i awkwardly laugh trying to make this situation less awkward.

"Wait, let me help you, ive been to this festival plenty of times, i know my way around."

I didn't really want to be showed around like a show dog, but I sure didnt mind him helping me find my way back to my friends.

"Yeah sure, I'd like that"

I smile to him and he smiles back, his teeth arent perfectly straight, but they suited him very well and made him unique, which found him even interesting

As matthew stands up, he holds out his hand to help me up. I quickly grasp his hand and i feel the force of matty pulling me up.

I stand on two feet, still feeling a bit light headed, but matthew doesn't notice.

I notice we're still holding hands, a weird tingle is shooting through me like electricity. I want to let go, but i cant. I can feel matthew's fingers caressing my hand as he pulls me along with him.

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