Chapter 36 Spring break fever.

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"Do you have any plans for spring break yet?" Aaron asked. We were at my house on a sunday afternoon. He was helping me finish some homework that I had put off until now.

January, February, and most of March flew by like a blur. A big sad blur actually. No progress was made with Alyssa, and I was starting to really think that we were never going to be friends again.

Luckily Aaron has really stepped up to that job of being my 'fill in' best friend. When I need someone to talk to other than Scott, I call or text him. It's nice having someone to talk to that I have no secrets from.

Well...Only one secret, but I'm not about to go and say that I'm totally in love with him. Honestly I haven't really thought about kissing him or that kind of stuff as much lately. I guess it's because I basically used him to fill the hole Alyssa left in my life.

The trusting friend part. He lets me vent to him about Alyssa, which is super great because he's the only one who knows exactly what happened. Scott is still in the dark. Sigh.

I want more than anything to just spill my guts on absolutely everything that I've done to him. Get it all out in the open. Maybe that would take away the horrible weight from my chest. I knew I had to tell him the truth soon or else Alyssa was going to.

But things have been so easy and carefree between us that I don't want to mess that up. "Not really, I'm just waiting to see what everyone else is going to do." I replied. "You have any plans?" Aaron shrugged.

"My cousin asked me to go hiking with him, which, to tell you the truth does not sound fun at all." He said. "Hm why not?" I asked. "Um Chloe, do I look like the outdoors type?" He said rather sarcastically.

I glanced at him and smiled. Between the black jeans, band t-shirt, and lip ring...Yeah, I couldn't see Aaron being a moutain man.

"Now don't get me wrong, I think nature is beautiful and I do, on occasion, like to camp out in a tent in my backyard, but I don't see the fun in getting all sweaty and bitten up by bugs out in the forest." he said with a cringe.

"I used to go camping all the time with my parents when I was younger, if you go to a good camp ground, it's actually a lot of fun." I said. "Cool, I'll take your word for it." he muttered. I laughed.

"Anyways, I'm probably not going with my cousin, so I'll stay home and have the world's longest movie marathon instead." He said. "Would you like my opinion?" I asked. He rolled his eyes. "Obviously, you know I do."

"Okay then, I think you should go, spring break is a time to enjoy the weather since it's finally warm again. Plus I think a hike would do you good, fresh air would help your asthma." I explained. He pursed his lip, thinking it over.

My phone rang. It was Megan. "Hello?" "Hey Chloe! How are you?" She asked. "Um great, you?" "Oh I'm always great! But that's besides the point, are you doing anything fun for spring break?" "Not that I'm aware of..."

"Good! You and Scott are both invited to come up north for a week to my dad's cabin. It will be just teens, no parents allowed." She said. "Who's all going?" She hesitated.

"Well just a bunch of people from school, don't worry, there's plenty of room for everyone." "Is Alyssa going?" I asked. "Uh, well, yes, but you have to come too!" "I don't know Megan, me and 'Lyss aren't talking-"

"I know, but like I said, it's a big cabin, and it's right on the lake, you two won't even have to see eachother." She said. I bit my lip, considering. I went up to Megan's cabin last year, and it was tons of fun.

Right on the lake, bonfires every night, It made the perfect spring break trip. She was right about it being big enough for me and Alyssa to not even see eachother. I'm sure Scott would go to if I asked.

"Alright, I'll go-" "Yay!" "But listen Megan, I'm going to have fun and to relax, so no trying to make me and Alyssa be all friendly, got it?" "Yes, that's fine, as long as you go, I'll call you back in a few days to give you all the details, kay?" "Yeah okay." "Bye!" I hung up and looked at Aaron.

"Have plans now?" he asked. "Looks like I do, hey! did you finish my homework?" I demanded. He shrugged with a smile. "Aaron..." "Yeah I know, naughty little me. Whatever. I think I'm going to go hiking with my cousin." He said. "Good."

"Better than staying home right?" "You know Aaron, if you wanted to I could ask Megan if you could come-" He shook his head. "No, I don't think it would be a good idea for me to be around Alyssa, she'd probably claw my eyes out or something." He said. "Are you sure?" I asked.

I felt like a jerk for not even thinking to ask if Aaron could come to the cabin. He chuckled. "You seriously need to chill Chloe, you worry about me too much." he said. Well of couse I worry about you, I love you dummy. I didn't say that aloud, but I hoped he understood some what. "Okay, but if you change your mind I'll tell Megan that you're coming whether she likes it or not." I sighed. He nodded. "Got it." Thank God for spring. I could use a little vacation. 

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