Chapter 30 He reminds me of a lamp.

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I miss Scott. I used to call and text him constantly. We went out to dinner, seen movies together. We did all the typical teen appropriate things, except the uh, one main activity most teens do. You know what I'm talking about.

I've missed him terribly since the 'break.' As much as I miss Scott I miss Aaron just as much. Since going back to school I haven't talked to Aaron like, at all. I basically go to school, rush to each class even if I'm early, waste as little time as possible at my locker.

If I see either of the guys I act like Alyssa and dive into the nearest bathroom to hide like a chicken. After about a week of stupid behavior like that Aaron stopped trying to talk to me period. That stung.

Even though I'm the immature person hiding in nasty bathrooms I was still hurt that he quit. I filled Alyssa in on the whole Scott situation. Her response? "That was a rational choice Chloe, every good relationship should take a breather every so often."

When she had said that I did my best to resist the urge to roll my eyes. Like, her relationships rarely last, how would she know anything about needing to take breathers? Seriously. Ugh.

I hate having bad thoughts towards Alyssa. Just sometimes... Anyways. It's a Tuesday night, January is just about finished. A very crappy month in my opinion. Nothing seemed to work out. Sigh.

Me and Alyssa are chilling in her bedroom. She's going through her gigantic closet trying on different outfits. I have to admit that I'm proud of how quickly Alyssa dropped Aaron. Out of the conversations, out of her phone, just out of her life.

Maybe she finally realized that there is more to life than boys. Which...Sounds pretty hypocritical coming from me, the girl who is torn between two guys. Ah well.

"Oh my gosh I look so fat in this shirt!" Alyssa complained in front of her mirror. I was stretched out on her bed going over our homework. "Lyss, you are not fat, it's just PMS making you feel fat." I said. She's built like a fricken model, her body dosen't have the slightest clue what fat is.

"Eat some chocolate, make you feel better." I added. Life's answer to everything: Chocolate. Or at least, that's what my dad thinks. "Yeah great idea, more food to go straight to my ass" She said in frustration.

I chuckled. The next second Alyssa burst into tears. "Lyss what's wrong?" I asked, startled. "Why did he leave me? is it because I'm fat?" She cried. "Who, Aaron?" She nodded, tears still flowing.

Well, I had thought she was over Aaron. Guess not. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the bed next to me. She layed her head on my shoulder. "It's okay, don't cry." I repeated a few times. I felt like a mother comforting a child.

"I miss him so much Chloe, so much." She said. "But I thought you were over him?" I said. I was exasperated. And mad at myself for being the reason for my bestfriend's pain. "I've been trying to get over him, really, but he's just so perfect, ya know?"

Oh I knew a little too well. I sighed. "Lyss..." "I know, I'm being a baby, I'll stop." She said and wiped her eyes. "You're not a baby for crying over a break-up, I cry about Scott." I admitted.

"But that's different, you guys aren't broken up for good...Are you?" She asked. "No of course not, it's still sad though." I replied quickly. "Yes it is." She agreed. After Alyssa's little meltdown we watched a movie and ate some ice cream.

Some chocolate ended up helping after all. Ha. The next day at school she told me she wasn't going to waste any more of her tears on Aaron, since he probably wasn't wasting any of his on her. She had a point.

Before lunch I was at a pop machine buying a coke. I bent down to retreive it but somebody else was already there. Aaron. I straightened up and held out my hand. "Can I please have that?" I asked.

Not completely rude, but a lot colder than I usually was to him. He raised an eyebrow. "Can we talk first?" He countered. "Oh now you want to talk? I don't think so." I said sarcastically. I went to snatch my coke but he leaned out of the way.

"Are you actually mad at me?" he asked, surprised. "Nope, not in the least, why would you think that?" I was on a roll with the sarcasm. He appraised me for a long moment.

"Chloe please tell me exactly what I did so I can fix it." He said. I stared up at him, contemplating. "Please Chloe?" I gave in, like usual. "You haven't been talking to me." I said quietly. I sounded like a little kid pouting, like Lola.

I can be such an idiot. His eyebrows just about shot up into his hair. "Are you kidding me? You're the one who's been avoiding me!" He practically groaned. I looked at the floor to hide my embaressment.

"Yeah, I know but..." I mumbled. "But you still wanted me to make an effort, right?" He finished. I continued to examine the same floor tile when I felt him place a finger under my chin and raise my face up so I had to look him in the eye.

He sighed. "Damn. I'm sorry Chloe, I just figured you wanted space you know. Like, after that first party and you came to talk to me at the mall, you were really freaked out, I had a feeling it was like that again. I know it must suck." He explained.

Ugh, why did he have to be so great and understanding? Making a choice between the two of them is hard enough without Aaron being all considerate. "I'm sorry, forgive me please?" he asked, his hand still holding my chin.

His eyes were doing a number on my concentration. "Fine you can be forgiven...If I can have my coke." I said with a smile. He smiled in return and gave it to me. "Thanks."

We walked around to the same bench me and Scott had sat on the other day. "So...What have you been up to?" He asked. I rolled my eyes. "Having a wonderful time being guilty." I said.

"Guilty huh? But I thought you and lamp boy were on a break on New Years." He said. "Yeah we were, we still are actually, wait. Lamp boy, who the heck is lamp boy?" I asked with a laugh. He grinned.

"Haven't you noticed that your boyfriend's hair style makes him look like a lamp? Seriously." he said. "Aaron." I sighed, fighting a smile. "Come on Chloe, dosen't he?" Aaron just burst out laughing. It was contagious.

When both of our laughter died down he leaned over and gave me a kiss on the cheek. Instantly making me turn red. "What was that for?" I asked, flustered. He shrugged. "Just thought you needed a kiss." he said. "Aaron..."

"I know, sorry, I'll keep my distance." he said. "You don't have to keep your distance, just, no more kissing and whatever until I figure things out. It's all really confusing." I explained. "Yeah, I get it." He replied.

"But...Please don't stop talking to me, it...Well, it sucked, you know, not having you talk to me, you've become one of my best friends." I said. I hoped he wouldn't think I was being all needy. "Aw Chloe, how sweet." He said and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

I gave him a look that made him pull back, smirking. "Okay, I'll make you a deal. If you keep talking to me, I will keep talking to you, kay?" He said. "That's seems simple enough. Okay, you have a deal." I said. "Good, let's shake on it." He said and held out his hand.

I looked at him. Ugh, him and his gorgeous smile, his gorgeous eyes. I wonder if he's ever considered being a model... I'll have to ask him sometime. I shook his hand refusing to acknowledge the fricken butterflies. As happy as I was at the moment being with Aaron, I was still missing Scott on the inside.   

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