Chapter 42 Silent night.

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Alyssa and I spent the day on my couch watching Star Wars and catching up with eachother. Apparently she started dating Trevor  two weeks ago after he asked her out during Algebra.

"Does he make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?" I asked. She smiled a little and nodded. "Good, I'm glad 'Lyss." We were quiet for a bit. "Chloe, when you're with um, Aaron..." She paused.

I knew she was insanely curious to know about me and Aaron. I had been as equally curious about her and Trevor. Best friends want to know these kind of things. Boys, sigh.

"Well I was wondering, when did you realize that your feelings for him were more than friends?" She asked. Hm. "I...I guess, okay, since the way we met was, uh different.." Alyssa rolled her eyes but waited for me to continue.

"I don't know exactly, it's like the more time we spent together, I was just wanted to keep spending time with him, but I didn't realize I actually loved him until he..." I took a deep breath. "The day he had a really bad asthma attack and we talked in the nurse's office I was so overwhelmed, the thought of losing him, well, it nearly killed me." I muttered.

Why did Aaron have to be sick? Ugh. She nodded. "I'm sorry Chloe." "What for, we just made up!" I said with a laugh.

"Yeah I know, but I just, when I saw you with him that day in front of my house, I thought so many mean things about the two of you, and now I realize how hard it is for you to deal with all of this...I'm really sorry." She explained.

"It's fine 'Lyss, I would have been pissed too, I was pissed when you guys were together, and jealous." I admitted. She laughed.

The third Star Wars started and Alyssa made us a huge bowl of popcorn. After about 5 minutes in she sighed. "Chloe, can I please brush your hair out, it's totally bugging me." I laughed. "Sure thing, but you have to get the brush."

"You're so lazy!" She said, hopping off the couch. "Mh whatever." I mumbled with a mouth full of popcorn. She returned a moment later, brush in hand. "Here, get comfy, because I have a feeling this is gonna hurt." She said, sitting behind me.

I usually love when people brush or play with my hair, but seeing as it's filled with knots...Not enjoying it so much today.

I watched the movie while Alyssa cursed constantly under her breath. Finally my hair was smooth (Or almost smooth) again.

"Thank you very much." I said, running my fingers through it. "Yeah whatever, you're welcome. Damn I think I have blisters now." She grumbled. "Oh shut up, you do not."

We ate and finished the movies. The day had been fun, making up with Alyssa had made me feel so much better, but as it got later and Scott still hadn't called, I started to get depressed again.

Alyssa noticed my change of mood and hugged me. "You could try calling him again." She suggested half heartedly. I shook my head. "Why bother? It's not like he'll answer." I let her hug me for awhile, appreciating having her shoulder to cry on.

"Oh my gosh I have an idea!" She practicly screamed and jumped off the couch. "Woah chill 'Lyss, what is it?" I asked.

"Okay, so you said Scott won't answer because he see's your number right? Well I could call him!" She said, getting an excited, slightly crazy look. "I don't know 'Lyss..." "Oh come on it's perfect, he still thinks we're fighting, he'd have no idea I was calling for you."

"Okay, so you call him, then what?" I asked. "I could ask him to meet me somewhere to talk, you come with me obviously, when he gets there I make sure you guys have a nice long chat, clear things up." She explained while pacing around the livingroom.

One Night Could Change Everything (Teen Love Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now