Chapter 29 Get me a puppy for my birthday, and I. Will. Scream.

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Monday morning, I've made it into school and to my locker already. No sign of Alyssa, Scott, or Aaron. So far so good. I basically waited until the last possible second to come in from my car.

I had to sprint across the parking lot, but oh well. Exercise right? I quickly open my locker and pulled out all the books I needed. I closed the door and Alyssa was standing right there next to me.

"Ah!" I yelped and clutched my chest. "You scared the crap out of me!" I said. "Sorry." She muttered dismissively. She just stared at me. "Um what?" I asked. "Why haven't you returned any of my calls?" She demanded.

I don't like to lie, but this situation called for it. I slapped my palm to my forehead dramatically. "Shit! I forgot my phone at my dad's, I must have left it there last week." I lied. She seemed to by it.

"Oh my gosh, then you don't know what happened!" She said. I bit my lip. "Actually I do." She raised an eyebrow. "Aaron told me." I said quietly. "That bastard! I knew he probably would, little coward. Bet he told you all kind of made up stuff bet he-"

"Lyss, all he told was that you two broke up." I but in. Her exspression relaxed a bit. "Oh, well yeah, we did." "Are you okay?" I asked before she went off again. "At first I was really really upset, I mean, full on tears and everything. But when I realized that he wasn't even a little sad about it, I got mad." She said.

"Mad?" "Oh yeah, very mad, infuritated actually. I've decided to plan my revenge on that piece of-" "Revenge?" I asked hesitantly. She nodded.

"He broke my heart, which I'm sorry, I should have listened to you Chloe, you basically said he would after all." She said and pulled me into a hug. I patted her back. When she pulled away she smiled. I thought she was better.

She wasn't. "The first part of my revenge involves you, I don't want you to be his friend any more, and when he asks why you tell him what a jerk he is." She said. Great. "Listen 'Lyss, I can't do that." I said.

"Fine, I'll tell him he's a jerk, you just say you're not friends any more." She said with a shrug. "No, I'm not going to stop being his friend." I said, trying to remain calm. By the look on her face I knew there was a storm brewing.

"Um what?" She asked. "Lyss, he was my friend before you two started dating, I'm not going to just stop talking to him now because you broke up, seriously." I said.

"I had a feeling you would say something like that, come on Chloe he totally broke my heart, messed with my head, and you want to be all buddy buddy with a guy like that?" She demanded. "How exactly did he mess with your head?"

"Oh you know, the typical, 'I care about you' crap, which obviously he dosen't or he wouldn't have broken up with me for some slut." She said. I stared at her. "What are you talking about?" I asked. She sighed dramatically

"When he was being all wonderful and breaking up with me he said it was because he had feelings for somebody else, she must be some boyfriend stealing slut." She said. Ouch.

"He said he had feelings for somebody else?" I repeated. She nodded, looking sour. Me? So maybe Aaron wasn't lying about wanting to kiss me...Huh. It's stupid but I felt like breaking out into song.

But I didn't because this is not some high school musical crap. Plus Alyssa probably would have tackled me. She seems like she would right now.

"So you're still his friend?" She asked. "Yes." "Even after he hurt me?" I sighed. "Sorry 'Lyss, but yes." We kind of had a stare down for a long moment before she shrugged. "Whatever. Do what you want but I'm not going to be around him, I'll just want to slap his sexy face." She said.

One Night Could Change Everything (Teen Love Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now